How CAN I write 3–4 articles every day?

Works for me. Might work for you too, or not.

3 min readMay 27, 2023


Disclaimer: This is my own personal technique and it may not work for you, so if you’re writing just fine, you don’t really need to read this; but hey! you may get something out of it, so why not read it?

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Hey! So you wanna know how to write 3–4 articles every day? But why only 3–4? maybe 5–6? maybe 1–2? It depends on how much time you’re willing to invest in your writing daily.

Okay let us see the technique, it’s not much of a technique but my formula for writing an article. In a word, it’s called “Re-imagining”.

What is re-imagining?

“Reimagining implies not only improving upon an existing idea or work but also infusing it with fresh perspectives, innovative elements, or transformative changes to create something new and exciting. It conveys the idea of taking inspiration from the original work and giving it a new, revitalized form that surpasses the original in some way.”

Let me elaborate.

What I do is read other people’s articles and pick one idea from it. Then, I think about that idea/topic and write my own article on it.

Simple, right? Well, yes, for me at-least, because I like to think about ideas or topics and I try to give my own perspectives on that. That is why this technique works for me.

You may say “But that’s stealing!! That person must have thought so hard for that topic! You just stole all his work! You thief!”. Hey, bro, cool down. Let me explain.

Yes, you can say that I find the topic of my articles using other people’s articles. But I don’t just take the articles and rephrase them. The topic might be the same, but the ideas & perspectives are different, and the whole content is different. I try to give a new way of looking at that topic.

And also, I don’t use it all the time, I just find it effective when I don’t want to think for a topic, but about a topic.

One more thing, I don’t use it for all my articles, only when I can’t think of anything (which doesn’t happen most of the time) or when I want some new topic to think about.

Now, if I can write 3–4 articles every day, why don’t I? Well… I do. I just don’t post them. Why?

Because it is easy to put thoughts on the paper (or screen), but it takes time to refine them into an article.

In short, I’m just lazy.

Well, congratulations! You read it all! 👏 Let’s clap for each other, shall we? If you are clapping anyways … there is a button for it right below the article :) It motivates me to write more.

Most of the people would have left already, thanks to their low attention span; or maybe the article is just boring, is it?

Anyway, thank you.

See you later!




I write about a variety of topics. I like to study human behaviour, psychology, philosophy. So mostly I write articles around these topics.