How Can Nelson Mandela Stop the Third World war?

“When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.”― Nelson Mandela

Krishna V Chaudhary
4 min readJul 13, 2021


Nelson Mandela with Bill Clinton | Image Source- Wikimedia Commons

You might have heard that the USA is the most racist country.
No, the USA is not.

Racism prevails almost in every part of the world.

There was a time when this miss Khadija Ben Hamou from Algeria participated in the Miss World competition; the Algerian Government said that — Miss Khadija, You are too dark to represent us. In the north of Algeria, people have light skin, and in the south, they have darker skin tones.

Let me give an example of one other person whose name is Jeenu Mahadevan. His father is Norwegian, and his mother, a Sri Lankan. He is a model. He received a lot of criticism in Asia because of his darker skin color.

Racism is the real third world war.

Photo by Rolande PG on Unsplash

Is the third world war possible?

Question — How we think to fight the war? — What else do we need than a mass of soldiers, guns, tanks, and artilleries?

Answer — No; if you think the same, then you are probably wrong,
War can be in any form, masses are dying, or a community is humiliated — that is war.

Question — What is the world war?
Answer — Germany is fighting against Russia and America. That's it?
No, again, this answer is wrong when war is spread in most of the countries that are the world war.

Racism is completely fitted in that context.
Yes, the third world war is racism.

No country today's escaped with it. Most of us are part of it this time.

George Floyd was not the only case of racism. It was the case of average media attention.

Millions of George Floyd are killed every day. If the media is not showing them, it doesn't mean those cases are not part of racism.

Question- Why racism prevails?
According to human evolution, firstly, humans started farming, then they made the storehouses and their territory. It was when some communities or people choose to loot and not to farm or hunt animals.

This human evolution pushed the weak to the backward areas (shortage of water or draught areas).

Ethnicity took place after territorial occupation. People started seeing a different ethnic person as their enemy, such as they would attack them and loot them. Throughout the barter system, monarchy, or the independent state, this attitude towards different ethnicity remained the same in the world.

There are so many conflicts between religions, but religious folks come together when it comes to racism.

I have personally experienced racism in India with Indians and Africans.
Here is that article, If you might have skipped this one.

Nelson Mandela — A true messenger of human wellbeing and humanity

Mandela is the most recognized hero of the 20th century. He carried a legacy of the anti-apartheid. As we continue to find design solutions for global wellbeing, how can we revitalize Mandela’s legacy of promoting peace, social justice, and reconciliation into our work?

Racism is very deeply rooted in the world which goes hand in hand with the current exploitative system.

European colonization came with the economic interests tainted with the western superiority that non-western populations are inferior and primitive.
In the 20th century, South Africa’s colonization molded itself into a system of institutionalized racial segregation that reigned the country for five decades.
The system was organized through a legal, social stratification that placed whites at the top and blacks at the bottom.

Other groups were named, such as colored or Indians.

This stratification dictated every privilege and people’s rights in every aspect of life, from housing placements, public gatherings, or employment opportunities.

Nelson Mandela was a prominent figure in the struggle and negotiations to end this discrimination.

This discrimination was not possible without any solidarity of organizations and more voices from around the world.

In many countries, citizens and residents connected to this racial discrimination movement (anti-apartheid) struggle against local racial and social oppression.

The concept of “think globally, act locally” helped to make it global agitation, which caused free Mandela from prison, and the legal system of apartheid met with its end.
Mandela was released from jail after international outrage against the system.
Later he was also elected as the first black president in post-apartheid South Africa.

Now South Africa is known as the rainbow nation — it refers to the diversity of culture, ethnicity, languages, and people.

Racism, water, and climate are issues that are linked together within a more extensive system.

Imagining a world without racism is recognizing everyone based on color who has been disproportionately impacted by our system of exploitative economic practices.

Think about a world without racism. We promote the wellbeing of any community targeted based on their features or color. We are promoting wellbeing for all.

Note — This article is the personal opinion of the writer.



Krishna V Chaudhary

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