How Can Spirituality Boost Our Productivity?

Spirituality is NOT about meditation and breathing techniques. How to boost productivity in the real world.

Abdullah Nadeem
3 min readJul 10, 2023


You’ve read the word ‘spirituality’ but this is not your common post about meditation or breathing techniques. I am writing about the realness of what spirituality is and how we can use it to boost our daily productivity.

Photo by Aamir Suhail on Unsplash

We often find ourselves in a productivity rut — a mental rut, getting out of bed feels like running a marathon and the goals we set the week prior seem to be on the other side of Mount Everest.

Something I’ve understood recently is that spirituality is an overlooked essential part of being productive on a daily basis.

So, what is spirituality?

Spirituality is the connection one feels with the Divine, the relationship between the unseen and seen worlds. It is the energy you get from being close to God and/or a higher power. The closer, you are, the more energy you’ll have and that will give you the extra strength you need to achieve those goals in your life.

What is the link between spirituality and productivity?

Most people see the two as separate entities, you can be productive and have no consciousness of a higher power. But, the reality is that the mindfulness of a higher power allows one to perceive life differently and not be swayed by the whims and desires of this world — allowing them to be more focused on their goals.

With greater spirituality comes less of an emphasis on the instant gratification rewards we get from everyday acts of today’s society, from scrolling through TikTok to eating unhealthy snacks, we lose a lot of that gratification the greater our spiritual connection.

Spirituality + Discipline = Success

Spiritual energy increases with your consciousness and respect for a higher power and with this comes a firm grounding in your values and principles.

When those are in check, discipline naturally falls into place and we all know that with discipline, we are able to consistently able to work towards our goals and ultimately gain our definition of success.

“If the people of those towns had believed and been mindful of God, We would have showered them with blessings from the heavens and the earth” [Quran 7:96]

The Story of the Milk and The Girl

There are many stories which have shown that with spirituality comes success and greater blessings in life.

A famous story is that of the girl who refused to listen to her mother’s instructions to mix milk with water, which they were planning to sell. The girl reminded her mother that the owner instructed that no milk should be tampered with, her mother replied. That the owner was not around. And no one would know, the girl said: “But God can see us”.

Unknown to both girl and mother, the owner heard the entire conversation. He was so impressed by the girl's answer that he decided to elevate her societal position and give her a more fulfilling role.

So, remember, where there is spirituality, there is discipline, and where there is discipline, there is success.

Have a great week!

Abdullah (@moretoamedic)



Abdullah Nadeem

Hey! I’m a medical student who writes about Productivity, Growth and New Concepts to bring excitement to your week. FREE eBook on my blog: