How Can We Trust Love If Someone Can Leave Us Tomorrow?

Steps on Learning To Love When Nothing Is Guaranteed

Joe Gibson, Above The Middle


Photograph by vjapratama on Pexels

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As I write on topics such as chasing your fantasy of someone, navigating unavailability, and seeking secure love over otherwise unhealthy attractions. I’ve seen a couple of questions come up about how we can guarantee someone will be good to us, or when a good time is to know we can trust and invest in someone else.

In fact, a lovely reader of one of the above articles left the following comment and question she has so kindly allowed me to reference here. I did leave a brief response at the time but thought her question deserved an article of its own — given the depth and time needed to really dive into it.

To me, she wrote,

“If someone who is potentially interested today might vanish or lose the interest tomorrow. How can I trust this other person? How do I know when, from what moment it is reasonable to emotionally invest if everything changes tomorrow. Will I have to face a different reality? Is it actually worth it to invest?” — Maria Kolosanova



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