How Can You Identify The Sin of Gluttony in the 21st Century

Rajesh Sharma
Published in
10 min readJul 8, 2023


According to Wikipedia, the definition of “ Gluttony “ is: Gluttony means overindulgence and overconsumption of food, drink, or wealth items, particularly as status symbols.

Here, I am just referring to the sin of Gluttony for food and drink only rather than for wealth items or other material things.

You may have noticed many people around you who engage in excessive eating and drinking. I am not talking about the fact that they may be doing it on a regular basis.

Rather, I am talking about those moments when the food appears delicious and you you end up consuming more than necessary. Additionally, when alcoholic beverages are present, you can witness how people behave.

Where You Can Identify The Sin of Gluttony

Let’s see how gluttony play a role in below mentioned scenarios:

Gluttony at a Party

Have you ever witnessed and felt the presence of the sin of “ Gluttony “ at a wedding, birthday celebration, or any party? You can see how many people indulge in excessive eating and drinking. It seems that these people don’t want to miss any items that please their taste buds.

Over-consumption is evident. Over-stuffing is happening. Bellies are full, yet they continue to eat.

A few real-life experiences:

1. A company where I used to work threw a foundation party. Some of us noticed that a couple of employees were piling non-vegetarian items onto one large plate while putting other food items on another plate.

They were in a hurry, fearing that the non-veg food would run out from the caterer’s stock. They were simply grabbing whatever they could to fill themselves up without considering the issues of overconsumption, food wastage, and the needs of other employees.

2. I attended a teammate’s wedding, and many guests from the groom’s side (known as “baratis” in India) were eagerly waiting for the non-veg items (yes, again, the infamous non-veg!). Despite the presence of vegetarian options at other food stalls, they showed no interest in them.

So, when the non-veg items finally arrived, these baratis rushed towards the food stall and loaded their plates with as much non-veg food as they could manage. In the end, only a fortunate few got their portions, while others anxiously waited for the second round, even more desperately.

Such incidences of gluttony also witnesses a sheer wastage of food. Many people throw food because they underestimate the capacity of their stomachs when filling their plates. Some throw certain food items because they don’t like the taste of it and move on to sample something else.

Gluttony at Any Home Who can Afford Delicious Food

If you take a moment to observe, read, or listen, you’ll notice that previous generations used to dine out only on occasion. Moreover, there were no food delivery apps back then.

However, in today’s era, it has become quite common for people, regardless of their financial status, to dine out frequently. If they aren’t in the mood for cooking or simply feeling lazy, they find it incredibly convenient to order food through delivery apps.

A few real-life experiences:

1. A girl I know used to be very active during her college days and maintained a healthy weight. She would eat out occasionally. However, since she started earning, she has been frequently visits different restaurants.

And when not out, she orders food from apps. As a result, she has gained a significant amount of weight from consuming unhealthy, junk, and sugary food. Now, she is struggling to lose weight and finds it discomforting to move or exercise.

2. Once, when I was in a grocery store, I noticed my neighbor’s family shopping there as well. Their son was picking up chips and chocolates, and his parents were encouraging him to take more by pointing towards certain unhealthy items.

They themselves were selecting large bottles of cold drinks, sugary packaged juices, energy drinks, and so on. I was shocked to see this because they were all obese and still not making sensible choices while shopping. Like many children, their son was also adopting his parents’ unhealthy habits.

Gluttony at Community Services or Religious Places

Since my childhood in India, I have witnessed the sin of gluttony at religious places such as temples and Gurudwaras (Sikh temples). These places regularly distribute food to the poor and needy, and many people consider it a devotional offering.

However, there are always individuals who not only eat the food but also take a significant amount home with them. These individuals are often known to or related to the people distributing the food.

Furthermore, you can observe many people who are not devout but still join the queue or visit these places solely to taste the food.

Their stomachs may already be full, yet they can’t resist the temptation because they find the food incredibly delicious. They deliberately come back again and again purely for the sake of satisfying their taste buds. And when you look for taste, you commit the sin of Gluttony.

How Can Gluttony Affect You?


Malnutrition doesn’t only affect poor people but also middle or upper-class individuals. When you do not receive a balanced intake of nutrients, you face malnutrition. Junk foods and drinks lack essential nutrients.

In today’s society, not only adults but also many children worldwide are affected by malnutrition due to their consumption of junk food and sugary drinks. It is their parents’ responsibility to instil healthy eating habits in both themselves and their children.


Overweight issues and obesity among people are on the rise. Please note that I am not referring to obesity caused by genetic disorders, hormonal issues, or other health conditions.

I am specifically addressing obesity caused by excessive consumption of food and drinks and unhealthy eating habits.

Obesity is a serious disease. It affects your mental and physical health and can lead to other conditions such as diabetes, heart diseases, etc.

Putting Yourself Ahead of Others

Sometimes when you feel gluttonous, you try to focus on getting more than others. You behave greedily. I’m not saying that you do this intentionally, but rather unconsciously.

However, sometimes you are aware that the others may get less. In your pursuit of gluttony, you may be becoming more selfish.

Imbalance in Society

Some factions of society tend to over-consume food, while other receive it less. By practicing moderation and minimizing food wastage, there is a chance that a hungry person can be fed. If more and more people adopt this habit, hunger will gradually diminish in our surroundings.

Impact on Healthcare System of a Country

Overconsumption of food and alcohol can lead to illnesses. It will put more strain on a country’s healthcare system.

While developed countries may find ways to manage the increased number of affected citizens, developing and poor countries will face a greater impact. Regardless, it will result in a waste of money, time, and resources.

Impact on The Environment & Resources

The more you over-consume and waste the food, the more food production will be required to fulfil your needs. This, in turn, leads to the generation of greenhouse gases, contributing to global warming.

A warming atmosphere is not a good sign for the future of all living beings on Earth. For more information, you can read further on this topic.

On the other hand, production of food also requires a lot of resources. So overproduction of food puts pressure on earth resources. How? You can read it here.

Gluttony and Lust are the only sins that abuse something that is essential to our survival.

- Henry Fairlie

How Can You Tackle Gluttony?

When do you over consume food? When you do not eat or drink consciously. When you are not that aware about your unhealthy choices. When you prioritize short-lived pleasures over your healthier options.

We all need food to live. But it doesn’t mean that we can eat whatever, wherever, and in unlimited quantities. It’s important to understand your needs and set limits for yourself.

I can relate to you if you find yourself attracted to awesome looking food. I can relate when you struggle to control yourself when you see delicious food. I can understand your desire to taste different cuisines from around the world.

My family and I have also given up many times. We used to try a variety of things and order more than we could eat. But it was happening more when we didn’t take it seriously.

Recently, we have started to be more sensible, conscious and aware of our food choices. Now, we order less and opt for healthier dishes. We avoid high-fat and junk foods, sugary drinks, alcohols, and desserts as much as we can.

Initially, we faced challenges, but slowly it has become a habit for us. We still enjoy dining out at different restaurants, but less frequently. We still use food delivery apps, but only when someone is unwell or tired. As a result, we have become less gluttonous now.

I completely agree with you that it’s hard to get 100% free from the sin of Gluttony. You see food advertisements everywhere: on TV, radio, magazines, billboards, newspapers, and even on the streets.

Additionally, there are numerous food videos and chef shows on TV and the internet that are difficult to ignore.

These advertisements often use emotions to manipulate you, your family, or your kids. If you want to maintain your sanity, someone in your family like your spouse or your kid may force you to go out for a meal. Or, they may tell you to order something from the food delivery app at home.

Your friends may force you to eat out or have a party.

Although, you may already have some ideas on how to tackle gluttony, I would like to reiterate a few key points:

1. Cook and Eat at Home as Much as Possible

There is no better alternative to eating home-cooked food. When we dine out, we often end up ordering more dishes than necessary, overestimating our hunger.

And, outside food is not that hygienic, healthy, and cost-effective. Restaurants and eateries also encourage you to purchase drinks, which further increases expenses.

By cooking and eating at home, you not only save money but also prioritize your health. Moreover, investing in your health now will save you money in the long run.

Some of you may say that you don’t know how to cook. I urge you to learn this valuable skill, as it proves useful in various situations.

For instance, when you’re incredibly hungry and have no other available options, knowing how to cook can come to your rescue.

2. Be Mindful of Your Hunger Level

Many of us may have a tendency to continue eating even when our stomachs are sending “system-overload” warnings. We become so engrossed in the taste of food that we consistently ignore these signals.

Our bellies tell us that they are full but we don’t want to leave that last slice of pizza, that brownie piece, or those extra morsels of your favourite dish. After all, who knows when we’ll have the opportunity again, right?

However, it’s always better to eat little less rather than little more. As you may have heard, many people in Japan eat until their stomachs are around 80% full and then they stop eating.

By giving your stomach some breathing room when it starts sending signals, you can avoid overconsumption. It will help you to satisfy your hunger as well as maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Also, it’s important to eat only when you genuinely feel hungry. Despite not feeling hungry, many of us follow the typical schedule of breakfast, lunch, evening snacks, and dinner-especially when there’s delicious and enticing food right in front of us.

Pay attention and listen to your body first before giving in to your taste buds or cravings.

3. If You Drink, Then Drink Responsibly

I have observed people becoming crazy for drinks. Crazy to the point where some individuals at parties would consume only alcohol without touching any food.

I understand that when something is available for free, the tendency to overindulge is high.

If drinking is important to you at a party, please do so in moderation. This will not only ensure your safe journey home but also enable you to remain in control and avoid any drunken drama.

Even when you are drinking at home with your own money, it’s important to be mindful of your actions. Are you simply enjoying a couple of drinks or aiming to finish multiple bottles?

Remember, your hard-earned money is at stake, so use it wisely and save it for more valuable experiences.

Gluttony kills more than the sword; Wine has drowned more than the sea.

- Portuguese Proverb

4. Don’t Let the Advertisements Fool You

Food advertisements (or any) are designed to play with your mind, to manipulate you, to make you spend your money.

Whether it is a sugary drink or junk food, corporations advertise these products in enticing ways. They hide their harmful effects and use catchy lines to create a strong desire within you to consume them.

It’s crucial to be mindful of what you purchase, both from physical stores and online platforms.

Take the time to carefully read product labels and understand what they truly contain. Keep in mind that terms like “sugar-free” can be misleading, as they often still contain forms of sugar.

Stop looking for healthier sugar or healthier salt. Instead, look for ways to reduce them. Don’t fall into the trap of paying extra for advertising gimmicks.

5. Stop Chasing Delicious and Exotic Foods

We all enjoy pizza, burgers, Chinese food, Italian cuisine, and so on.

However, there are people who have crazy cravings for these types of foods. So, every time they have cravings, they either dine out or order these foods. These individuals are always looking for something new, something exotic, something different to satisfy their taste buds.

Make sure you eat such foods occasionally and without over-consuming them. Opt for healthier alternatives or homemade meals as much as possible. Both your body and your wallet will thank you.

Overcome your cravings by becoming more aware of how your mind plays tricks on you.



Rajesh Sharma

Writing and expressing my thoughts on understanding and improving Social Experience (SX).