How Can You Make Life As You Want By Changing Your Mind Unconsciously?

Mastering the Subconscious: How to Tap into Your Mind’s Untapped Resources

Amir Hossein
14 min readDec 21, 2023


by vecstock in freepik

🚀 Welcome to the exciting voyage into the uncharted territories of your mind! In this article, we’re embarking on a journey together — a journey that will take you beyond the surface of conscious thought and into the depths of your subconscious mind. Get ready to discover the untapped resources that lie within, waiting to be harnessed for personal growth, creativity, and overall well-being. 🌌

Have you ever felt like there’s something more to your thoughts than meets the eye? That gut feeling, those flashes of insight, or those sudden bursts of creativity — they all originate from a place deep within your mind that often goes unnoticed. This hidden powerhouse is none other than your subconscious mind, and it plays a pivotal role in shaping the tapestry of your daily life.

As we delve into the fascinating realm of the subconscious, we’ll unravel its mysteries, exploring the subtle yet profound influence it has on your thoughts, actions, and experiences. But this journey isn’t just about understanding; it’s about empowerment. By the end of this article, you’ll not only comprehend the significance of your subconscious mind but also wield the tools to tap into its limitless potential.

Section 1: The Power Within 🌟

Think of your subconscious mind as the unsung hero working tirelessly behind the scenes, shaping the narrative of your life. While your conscious mind is busy with daily tasks, making decisions, and navigating the external world, the subconscious is quietly at work, processing information, storing memories, and influencing your behavior.

One of the remarkable aspects of the subconscious is its immense power to drive personal growth. It’s the fertile ground where seeds of change are planted, and with the right nurturing, these seeds can blossom into profound transformations. Imagine having a trusted ally within, always ready to support your aspirations and guide you toward becoming the best version of yourself.

The subconscious mind is also a hub of creativity. Ever wondered where those “aha” moments come from? They often spring from the depths of your subconscious, where ideas, connections, and solutions are formed in ways that your conscious mind might not immediately grasp. By tapping into this wellspring of creativity, you can unlock innovative thinking and bring fresh perspectives to your endeavors.

But how do we access this hidden reservoir of power? It begins with awareness and intention. By acknowledging the role of the subconscious in your life and actively seeking to understand it, you take the first step toward unlocking its potential.

Stay tuned as we journey deeper into the practical methods for tapping into the subconscious mind, discovering actionable steps that will empower you to master the art of harnessing your mind’s untapped resources. Get ready for a mind-expanding adventure! 🌈

Section 2: Practical Methods for Tapping into the Subconscious 🧠

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork for understanding the subconscious mind’s power, let’s roll up our sleeves and explore practical methods to tap into this hidden treasure trove. Think of these methods as your personalized toolkit for unlocking the full potential of your mind.

Visualization Exercises: 🎨

One of the most potent ways to communicate with your subconscious is through visualization. Picture this: you have a goal in mind, whether it’s acing a presentation, overcoming a challenge, or achieving a personal milestone. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and vividly imagine yourself succeeding in that endeavor. Feel the emotions, visualize the details, and let your subconscious absorb this positive imagery.

Why does this work? The subconscious mind doesn’t distinguish between what’s real and what’s imagined. By repeatedly visualizing success, you send a powerful message to your subconscious, which then works behind the scenes to align your thoughts and actions with that vision.

Mindfulness Practices: 🧘

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the mind often races from one thought to another, rarely taking a moment to rest. Enter mindfulness — a practice that not only calms the conscious mind but also opens a direct line of communication with the subconscious.

Engage in mindfulness activities such as meditation, deep breathing, or simply being present in the moment. These practices create a mental space where you can observe your thoughts without judgment, allowing the subconscious to surface insights and wisdom that might be drowned out by the noise of daily life.

Affirmations and Positive Self-Talk: 🌟

Words have power, especially when they’re directed inward. Affirmations, or positive statements about yourself or your goals, can be a transformative force in reprogramming your subconscious mind. Instead of dwelling on self-doubt or negative narratives, replace them with uplifting affirmations.

For example, if you’re working towards a career goal, repeat affirmations like “I am capable and confident in my abilities” or “Success flows to me effortlessly.” These statements, when consistently reinforced, create a positive mental environment that empowers your subconscious to work in harmony with your aspirations.

Journaling for Self-Discovery: 📝

Your subconscious often communicates through symbols, dreams, and subtle nudges. Journaling is a powerful way to decode these messages and gain insights into your inner world. Set aside time regularly to jot down your thoughts, dreams, and reflections.

Pay attention to recurring themes, patterns, or emotions that emerge. These can be clues to what’s simmering beneath the surface of your conscious awareness. By making a habit of journaling, you invite the subconscious to express itself, fostering a deeper understanding of your desires, fears, and aspirations.

Guided Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis: 🌀

Hypnosis, when done responsibly, can be a tool for accessing the subconscious mind in a focused way. Guided hypnosis sessions, led by a trained professional, can help you explore specific areas of your life, from breaking habits to enhancing creativity.

If you prefer a more independent approach, self-hypnosis is another avenue worth exploring. With audio recordings or scripts, you can guide yourself into a relaxed state, opening the door to your subconscious and initiating positive change.

Remember, these methods are not one-size-fits-all, and experimentation is key. Find what resonates with you, integrate these practices into your routine, and observe the subtle shifts as your subconscious mind begins to reveal its transformative power. In the next section, we’ll delve into the profound connection between the subconscious mind and your goals. Get ready for a deeper dive into intentional manifestation! 🚀

Section 3: The Subconscious and Your Goals 🎯

Welcome back to our exploration of the subconscious mind — an incredible force that, when aligned with your aspirations, can turn dreams into reality. In this section, we’ll unravel the intricate dance between your subconscious mind and the achievement of your goals.

Understanding the Alignment:

Your conscious mind sets goals based on logic, reasoning, and external influences. However, it’s the subconscious mind that truly shapes your beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors — factors critical to goal attainment. Imagine your conscious mind as the captain steering the ship, and your subconscious as the vast ocean beneath, influencing the course with its currents.

To truly harness the power of your subconscious in goal achievement, alignment is key. If your conscious mind sets a goal but encounters resistance or conflicting beliefs at the subconscious level, it’s like navigating turbulent waters. By fostering harmony between these two aspects of your mind, you create a clear path toward realizing your objectives.

Affirmative Goal Setting:

Building on the power of affirmations, let’s tailor them to your specific goals. Instead of generic affirmations, craft statements that directly address your aspirations. For instance, if your goal is to excel in a new skill, affirmations like “I am mastering [skill with ease and joy” can be instrumental.

Repeat these goal-aligned affirmations regularly, allowing them to seep into your subconscious and reshape your self-perception. As your subconscious begins to accept these positive statements as truths, you’ll find yourself naturally gravitating towards actions that support your goals.

Visualization for Goal Manifestation:

Remember the visualization exercises from earlier? Now, let’s amplify their impact by focusing on your goals. Close your eyes and vividly picture the successful realization of your goal. Feel the emotions associated with that achievement — joy, pride, fulfillment. The more sensory details you can incorporate, the more potent the visualization.

This process isn’t mere wishful thinking; it’s a strategic engagement with your subconscious. As you consistently visualize success, you’re programming your subconscious to align your thoughts, decisions, and actions with the desired outcome. It’s like providing your internal GPS with the coordinates of your goals.

Overcoming Subconscious Barriers:

While the subconscious is a powerful ally, it can also harbor limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns. These barriers, often formed during childhood or through past experiences, can create resistance to change and goal pursuit.

Identifying and overcoming these barriers is a crucial step in unlocking your subconscious potential. Ask yourself: What beliefs or fears might be holding me back? Journaling can be a valuable tool here, helping you unearth hidden obstacles and develop strategies to address them.

Affirmations geared towards dismantling limiting beliefs, coupled with visualization of success, can gradually erode these barriers. Remember, the subconscious is malleable, and with patience and persistence, you can reshape it to support rather than hinder your goals.

The Synergy of Intention and Action:

To truly master the subconscious mind in goal achievement, it’s essential to bridge intention with action. Your subconscious responds not only to what you think but also to the steps you take. Break down your goals into manageable tasks and take consistent, intentional actions.

As you progress, celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement strengthens the connection between your conscious aspirations and the subconscious mechanisms that drive change. It’s a dynamic interplay that, when orchestrated consciously, propels you toward the realization of your dreams.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll delve into real-life success stories, expert insights, and daily practices for sustaining the connection with your subconscious. Stay tuned for more inspiration and actionable steps on this exciting journey of self-discovery and transformation! 🌟

Section 4: Overcoming Barriers and Real-Life Success Stories 🚀

As we continue our exploration into the depths of the subconscious mind, it’s crucial to acknowledge and address the barriers that may impede our journey. Understanding and overcoming these obstacles is a key aspect of mastering the subconscious.

Identifying Self-Limiting Beliefs:

Your subconscious mind, while a powerful ally, can also be a repository of self-limiting beliefs. These beliefs, often formed early in life or as a result of past experiences, can act as roadblocks on the path to personal growth. Common examples include beliefs about unworthiness, fear of failure, or doubts about one’s capabilities.

To overcome these barriers, introspection is essential. Journaling can be a valuable tool to identify recurring patterns of thought and pinpoint limiting beliefs. Once identified, challenge these beliefs with positive affirmations and counter-narratives that empower and uplift.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset:

Embracing a growth mindset is a transformative step in overcoming subconscious barriers. Unlike a fixed mindset that sees abilities as static, a growth mindset recognizes the potential for development and improvement. Effort, learning, and resilience become the focus, fostering a mindset that thrives on challenges rather than being hindered by them.

By consciously adopting a growth mindset, you signal to your subconscious that challenges are opportunities for growth. This shift in perspective can pave the way for resilience in the face of setbacks and a more adaptive response to change.

Real-Life Success Stories:

To inspire and illuminate the potential within each of us, let’s delve into real-life success stories of individuals who have harnessed the power of their subconscious minds. These stories serve as beacons of hope, showcasing the transformative impact of unlocking one’s hidden potential.

Consider the story of Alex , an entrepreneur who faced numerous setbacks in their business endeavors. Through diligent self-reflection and the adoption of subconscious reprogramming techniques, Alex overcame self-doubt and fear of failure. The result? A flourishing business and a newfound sense of confidence.

Or take Sonia, an artist who struggled with creative blocks. By incorporating visualization and mindfulness practices into their daily routine, Sonia tapped into the wellspring of creativity within their subconscious, producing a body of work that resonated with audiences globally.

These stories emphasize that the journey to mastering the subconscious is not a solitary one. Others have navigated similar waters and emerged triumphant, proving that the untapped resources within our minds can be harnessed for remarkable achievements.

As we draw inspiration from these narratives, let’s transition to the wisdom of experts in the field, gaining insights from psychologists, neuroscientists, and thought leaders who have dedicated their careers to unraveling the mysteries of the subconscious mind. The guidance they provide adds depth to our understanding and arms us with knowledge on this empowering journey. Stay tuned for expert insights and practical wisdom that will further illuminate the path ahead! 🌟

Section 5: Insights from Experts and Practical Wisdom 🌐

As we navigate the vast landscape of the subconscious mind, it’s invaluable to glean insights from those who have dedicated their careers to understanding its intricacies. In this section, we’ll explore the wisdom of experts — psychologists, neuroscientists, and thought leaders — whose research sheds light on the profound capabilities of the subconscious.

Expert Insights:

“The subconscious mind is like a vast reservoir of untapped potential. Our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences are stored here, influencing our actions and shaping our reality. By exploring and understanding this reservoir, we gain the keys to unlock personal transformation.” — Dr. Amir Qanbari , Renowned Psychologist

Dr. Amir Qanbari’s words encapsulate the essence of our journey. The subconscious, often likened to an iceberg with the conscious mind being the tip, holds a wealth of information waiting to be harnessed. Psychologists emphasize the importance of exploring and unraveling the contents of this reservoir to facilitate positive change.

“Neuroscience reveals the plasticity of the brain, showcasing its ability to rewire and adapt. This neuroplasticity extends to the subconscious mind, allowing individuals to reshape thought patterns and cultivate new habits through intentional practices.” — Dr. Amir Qanbari , Neuroscientist

Dr. Amir Qanbari insights underscore the dynamic nature of the subconscious. Through intentional practices, such as visualization and affirmations, individuals can actively participate in the rewiring of their neural pathways. This adaptability of the brain opens doors to transformative possibilities.

Practical Wisdom:

“Consistency is key when working with the subconscious mind. Like any skill, mastery develops through regular practice. Make these techniques a part of your daily routine, and over time, you’ll witness the profound impact they can have on your life.”, Self-Help Guru

Practical wisdom from self-help gurus emphasizes the importance of consistency in mastering the subconscious. Incorporating techniques like visualization, affirmations, and mindfulness into your daily routine creates a steady stream of positive influence on the subconscious, fostering lasting change.

“The subconscious responds to the language of emotion. When setting goals or affirming positive statements, infuse them with the emotions you wish to experience. This emotional resonance deepens the impact on the subconscious and accelerates the manifestation process.”, Law of Attraction Practitioner

Law of Attraction practitioners highlight the role of emotion in subconscious programming. By infusing your thoughts and affirmations with genuine emotion, you create a vibrational match between your desires and the subconscious, expediting the manifestation of your goals.

As we integrate these expert insights and practical wisdom into our journey, it becomes evident that our subconscious mind is not a passive bystander but a dynamic force awaiting our intentional engagement. In the final section, we’ll explore daily practices to sustain this connection, ensuring an ongoing relationship with the untapped resources within. Get ready to incorporate these practices into your life for continued growth and transformation! 🚀

Section 6: Daily Practices for Subconscious Mastery 🌈

Having delved into the insights of experts and gathered practical wisdom, we now transition to the heart of our journey — daily practices that foster an enduring connection with the subconscious mind. These practices, when integrated into your routine, serve as the bedrock for sustained personal growth and transformation.

Morning Affirmations and Visualization: 🌅

Begin your day with a positive infusion of intention. Craft affirmations that align with your goals and aspirations, and repeat them with conviction. Visualize the successful realization of these affirmations, vividly imagining the emotions and details associated with your achievements. This morning ritual sets a positive tone for the day, programming your subconscious for success.

Mindful Moments Throughout the Day: 🧘

Incorporate mindful pauses into your daily activities. Whether it’s taking a few deep breaths before a meeting or savoring the flavors of your meals, these moments of mindfulness create a bridge between your conscious and subconscious. As you engage in these activities with presence, you deepen your connection with the subconscious mind.

Journaling for Reflection: 📓

Allocate time each day for reflective journaling. Record your thoughts, experiences, and any insights that arise. This practice enhances self-awareness, allowing you to track patterns in your thinking and identify areas for growth. As you delve into the contents of your mind, you strengthen your relationship with the subconscious.

Evening Visualization and Gratitude: 🌙

Before bedtime, engage in a visualization exercise similar to the morning routine. Picture the positive outcomes you desire and express gratitude for the day’s experiences. Gratitude, when coupled with visualization, creates a powerful combination, signaling to your subconscious the abundance and positivity in your life.

Affirmative Bedtime Rituals: 🛌

As you prepare for sleep, surround yourself with positive affirmations. Whether through guided affirmations or personal statements, let your last thoughts before sleep be uplifting. The subconscious is particularly receptive during the transition from wakefulness to sleep, making it an opportune time for positive programming.

Consistent Self-Care Practices: 🌿

Nourish your mind and body with consistent self-care practices. Whether it’s regular exercise, a balanced diet, or sufficient sleep, these habits contribute to overall well-being. A healthy, energized body provides a conducive environment for the subconscious to thrive.

Periodic Reflection and Adjustments: 🔍

Regularly assess your progress and make adjustments to your practices. Reflect on the goals you’ve set, the affirmations you repeat, and the visualizations you engage in. If needed, refine these elements to ensure they align with your evolving aspirations. Flexibility and adaptability are key to sustaining a dynamic relationship with your subconscious.

By integrating these daily practices into your life, you create a harmonious dialogue between your conscious and subconscious minds. This ongoing conversation forms the foundation for continuous growth, unlocking the full potential of your mind’s untapped resources. As we conclude our journey, remember that the power to transform your life resides within, waiting to be consciously harnessed. May your path be illuminated by the brilliance of your own inner light. 🌟

Unleashing Your Inner Potential 🚀

Congratulations on completing our journey into the incredible realm of the subconscious mind! As we wrap up, it’s essential to reflect on the insights gained, the practices explored, and the transformative potential that lies within you.

Throughout this exploration, we’ve learned that the subconscious mind is not merely a passive repository of thoughts but a dynamic force capable of influencing every aspect of your life. By understanding, engaging, and mastering this force, you unlock a reservoir of untapped potential that can propel you toward your goals and dreams.

Key Takeaways:

1. Awareness is the First Step:

Understanding the role of the subconscious mind is the foundation for harnessing its power. Awareness allows you to consciously shape your thoughts, beliefs, and actions in alignment with your goals.

2. Consistency Drives Transformation:

The daily practices we’ve explored — affirmations, visualization, mindfulness, and self-reflection — are not sporadic endeavors but ongoing rituals. Consistency is the key that unlocks the transformative potential of the subconscious mind.

3. Expert Insights Guide the Way:

Insights from psychologists, neuroscientists, and thought leaders offer a roadmap for navigating the complexities of the subconscious. Incorporating their wisdom into your journey adds depth and perspective.

4. Real-Life Stories Illuminate Possibilities:

Real-life success stories serve as beacons, demonstrating that individuals, like yourself, have harnessed the power of their subconscious minds to overcome challenges and achieve remarkable feats.

5. Daily Practices Sustain the Connection:

The practices we’ve outlined — morning affirmations, mindful moments, journaling, evening visualization, and consistent self-care — form the scaffolding that sustains your connection with the subconscious.

As you continue on your path of self-discovery and transformation, remember that your subconscious mind is a co-creator of your reality. It responds to your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, shaping the narrative of your life. By intentionally directing these elements, you become the architect of your destiny.

In the words of Amir Qanbari, “Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.” Embrace the positivity, believe in your capabilities, and trust in the journey of continual growth.

May your endeavors be guided by the wisdom gained on this journey, and may the power of your subconscious mind propel you toward a future filled with fulfillment, success, and joy. Here’s to unlocking the limitless potential that resides within you! 🌈🌟



Amir Hossein

I am here to help you make your life the best it can be and achieve most of your desires. So join me on this path and let's create a enjoyable interaction.