How Cap’n Crunch Cereal Helped Give Rise to Apple Computers

The story of a toy, two teen geniuses, and a multi-trillion-dollar empire

Guy D. McCardle


The Cap’n Crunch Bo’sun whistle. Image courtesy of

It may seem ridiculous, but if it weren’t for Cap’n Crunch cereal adding a toy whistle as a prize for kids, the two trillion dollar tech company known as Apple probably wouldn’t exist.

Cereal, toys, and sugar

The sugar-laden cereals of my youth used to contain all kinds of wonderful plastic treasures. One such example is the Bo’sun whistle that used to be found in boxes of Cap’n Crunch.

Ship’s captains would traditionally use a Bo’sun whistle to signal various maritime commands and meal times.

The cereal company version was just a small plastic toy, but it helped change the world forever.

One curious quality of the Cap’n Crunch Bo’sun whistle is that the tone it gives off is exactly 2600hz. That brings us to the next part of the story.

Revenge of the phreakers

Phreakers were a group of underground hackers. Specifically, phone hackers. The timeframe we are looking at here is somewhere between the mid-60s and early 70s, so computer hacking wasn’t exactly an activity for your average joe.



Guy D. McCardle

Former Army officer. Writer with 210M+ views — Published in Business Insider, Apple News, and Medical Daily. Using words to change lives.