How Challenges Separate the Strong from the Weak

Explore how facing pain and suffering reveals true character, differentiating between the resilient and the fragile

Preetham Surya
4 min readMar 17, 2024


Photo by Jens Lindner on Unsplash

Let me take a moment to share with you a powerful insight that has resonated with me deeply:

“It’s at the borders of pain and suffering that the men are separated from the boys.”- Emil Zatopek

This Quote, while it may seem intense at first glance, encapsulates a profound truth about the nature of challenges and adversity in our lives.

Life is filled with moments of difficulty, pain, and suffering. Whether it’s facing personal setbacks, enduring hardships in our relationships, or confronting unexpected obstacles on our path, we all experience moments when the weight of the world seems too heavy to bear. In those moments, it can be tempting to shrink back, to retreat into the safety of our comfort zones, and to avoid facing the trials that lie before us.

However, it’s during these very moments — when we find ourselves standing at the borders of pain and suffering — that our true character is revealed.

It’s in these crucibles of adversity that we are given the opportunity to rise above our circumstances, to tap into reservoirs of strength and resilience that we may not have even known we possessed. It’s here that we discover what we’re truly made of.

Now, you might be wondering: What does it mean to be “separated from the boys”? This phrase isn’t about gender; rather, it speaks to a deeper truth about maturity and growth. In the face of adversity, it’s not enough to simply endure or survive.

True maturity lies in our ability to confront our challenges head-on, to learn from our experiences, and to emerge from them stronger, wiser, and more compassionate individuals.

Think of it like this: When a storm rages at sea, the waves may buffet and batter a ship, threatening to capsize it at any moment. In those harrowing moments, it’s not the size or strength of the vessel that determines its fate, but the skill and courage of the captain and crew. Similarly, when we find ourselves navigating the storms of life, it’s not our outward appearance or our past successes that sustain us — it’s the depth of our character, the resilience of our spirit, and the courage of our hearts.

But how do we develop these qualities of character and resilience? How do we become the kind of individuals who can weather life’s storms with grace and courage?

The answer lies in embracing our challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation.

Instead of shrinking back from adversity, we must lean into it. We must confront our fears, our doubts, and our insecurities with courage and conviction. We must be willing to venture beyond the borders of our comfort zones, to explore the uncharted territory of our own potential.

And most importantly, we must cultivate a mindset of resilience — a mindset that sees every setback as a stepping stone, every failure as a lesson, and every obstacle as an opportunity to grow stronger.

This journey of personal growth and transformation is not easy. It requires dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to face our own limitations and shortcomings. But it’s also incredibly rewarding. For in the crucible of adversity, we discover not only our own strength, but also the depth of our connections with others. We learn to lean on one another for support, to lift each other up when we falter, and to celebrate together when we succeed.

So, my friends, I encourage you to embrace the challenges that life throws your way. Instead of seeing them as obstacles to be avoided, see them as opportunities to grow, to learn, and to become the best possible version of yourself.

Remember, it’s at the borders of pain and suffering that true maturity is forged. And when you emerge from those trials, you will do so not as boys, but as men and women of courage, resilience, and compassion.

In closing, I’ll leave you with these words from the great poet Rumi: “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” May you embrace your wounds, your struggles, and your challenges with an open heart, knowing that they are not barriers to your growth, but gateways to your greatness.

Thank you for allowing me to share this journey with you. Together, let us embrace the borders of pain and suffering, knowing that on the other side lies the promise of transformation and renewal.



Preetham Surya

Quote Analyst, Advocate, Arbitrator, Negotiator, Realist, Fitness freak