How ChatGPT Is Changing The Way I Research My Articles

Better than its writing skills?

Nadine Wild


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

I love to learn. I enjoy reading articles about all kinds of topics.

This is the reason, why I had to try ChatGPT, not to have conversations with it or to let it write my articles, but instead to level up my research.

Using Google to find the written papers can take quite some time. Trying different keywords and digging through 1.7 Million research results found in 0.075s.

With the explicit command, ChatGPT finds it in a matter of seconds, though. If you do it right, even with a nice summary.

As it is with every new trend or technology, it is not all good or all bad. It is a huge area of gray that you can make work for you. Or you don’t. That’s your decision.

Here are my thoughts about the experience.

The possibility of more science-based writing

Until now, I was writing experience-based articles mostly. For those, I never took the time to research scientific papers proving my advice was valid. I didn’t want to spend a few hours searching, reading and summarizing papers.

I am writing in my free time because I enjoy doing so. For now, I am not planning on changing that…



Nadine Wild

All in for life! The highs, the lows, the love, the pain! Sharing my thoughts about it here.