How I Created a Simple Scalable $30/day Business

Featuring lioness Toni Turner

Charlie Whooph, CFE


Writer’s Account indicating his own Consistency in Swing Trading

He began with a heart and passion like that of the lioness business woman, Toni Turner. And one simple repeatable method. Some income methods should be bronzed or cloned for they can be applied to ALL sorts of professions, life lessons, and entrepreneurial passions. Like the one herein!

One such method which earns a scalable $30/day for the serious wielder of it, is depicted in the method chart below.

Take a look. At a high-level glance, you should grasp its meaning. As with most any promising venture, the buy and the sell is the crux! Capture that much for now. Dwell on it:

Figure 2 – Author’s Trade Account – Disagreement Example

Toni Turner

Toni Turner is one such female self-made entrepreneur.

She was a work-at-home Mom, and a self-taught active trader since the mid-1990’s being “slapped around” by her love affair mate – the market.

She wrestled with indicators and watched CNBC until her eyes crossed when suddenly offered an opportunity to go to the Wall Street floor. For none other than her dream to learn the discipline of trading.



Charlie Whooph, CFE

Risk Consulting, Fraud Examiner (CFE), Full-time Swing Trader