How Discipline Creates Lasting Change

Published in
3 min readJul 28, 2023
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Motivation gets you started.

Discipline keeps you going.

Most people never realize this. And eventually, they quit the game without making any effort to persist and build discipline in their life.

That’s the reason why only a FEW PEOPLE are able to reach the TOP of the world. Because they control their lives. By sticking to that discipline.

Success doesn’t care about your feelings

Photo by Jacob Bentzinger on Unsplash

That could be hard-hitting to you.

Success only cares about you showing up to work every single day. Nothing else.

The average individual thinks they need any motivation, inspiration or energy to get to work.

But that’s now how things work. The more you act, the more you get inspired to get better every day.

The next time you don’t FEEL like doing any work, say F★CK OFF to your feelings.

Life will test you a 100 times

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

You don’t get anything. You earn it.

Sometimes you won’t get any results.

Sometimes you will feel lost.

Sometimes things will go against you.

And that’s a TEST for you. It’s already planned by the nature. And I believe that whatever happens, happens for good only.

So you got to trust the process and keep grinding.

Life doesn’t reward the most intelligent people. Life rewards the most HUNGRY ones.

It’s not about COMPETITION anymore

Take a look at the world.

More than half of the people are distracted.

They have already broken their New Year Resolutions.

They are chasing pleasure over purpose.

It’s not about competition anymore. It’s about FOCUS.

The focus to be the best version of yourself. And the focus to stay on the track when half of the people have become aimless.

Unorganized friends will not make you disciplined

How can you even expect this?

You hang out with people who play with their lives. And you expect yourself to get on track and build discipline in your life?

You need the right association.

You need high-performers around you.

And the internet gives you that opportunity to connect with the world’s top high-performers and learn from their life.

Learn from their videos, podcasts, books and articles. They are GEM.

Instant gratification gives you pleasure. Delayed gratification gives you a new life.

The society has wired us in a way to chase short-term pleasure over the long-term purpose of life.

But guess what? It makes us weak with time. And the best way to destroy a society is by normalizing being weak and broke.

No it’s not okay to be weak. It was never.

Don’t let the media take away the power of STRENGTH and DISCIPLINE from your life.

Keep inspiring. Keep empowering. And keep building.

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I'm a Software Engineer, likes to write about technologies I'm working and interested, productivity and self improvement