How Do We Change The World?

It’s all in how you use the spoons

Kim McKinney


Photo by Ahmet Sali on Unsplash

There’s an old parable of unknown origins that I first heard years ago. Since then I have heard many versions of it, some from different cultures and some with their own added details, changing a bit each time as stories told for generations are prone to do. Still, the major concept remains the same.

People die and end up in either hell and heaven with arms replaced by very long spoons. There is a banquet table in front of them with bowls of delicious food. Same basic setting in both places.

Unfortunately the people have changed on their journey to each place, and the size of the utensils and the lack of bend in their arms means that people cannot reach their own mouths with their spoons.

Those in hell keep trying to eat their way, working as individuals. They sit at the long table and try and keep trying to feed themselves. Food goes everywhere but in their mouths. They never succeed. They begin to die of starvation, one by one.

Those in heaven are plump and happy, however.

The difference between hell and heaven? Everyone in heaven is feeding each other and enjoying their fill of the fabulous food. It’s a party full of life.



Kim McKinney

A non-niche writer who loves a good story. My ADHD mind thinks way too much for its own good, but I have grown to love it. An idea person.