How do we get disappointed?

Aila Bogasieru
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2020

We are complex human beings, we have dreams, desires, most of them are not unachievable but still, we have hopes and we want big things, we dream big. But most of the time we have high expectations about ourselves and about others.

And we think that even if we can not control others to act or do things the way we want them to be done we still think that we can control our reactions, our destiny. But here is not only what we can do, what can we achieve, but there are also so many factors that we need to take into consideration, the fact that luck plays an important role in everything that we do and most of them we are not in control of things. No matter how hard we work and wish for things to happen they just don’t happen.

Let’s think to the following scenario: we apply for a job, is a dream job, we wanted badly to have an opportunity to make a stand for it. And we go to the interview but due to all those emotions we are not ourselves to the interview and we do poorly or the person who interviews us is not in a good mood, he or she did not sleep well. So it was a matter of luck even if we are very well prepared for the job but due to this minor detail: lack of sleep everything went wrong.

And this why when we set high expectations we get disappointed but the disappointment happens because we did set some expectations which did not meet in reality because of n factors that can or can’t be because of us. So we should definitely be more aware that is not everything in our power to make things the way we want them to be, just adapt to everything that comes.



Aila Bogasieru

I am passionate about technology, neuroscience and travelling. I am curios, so I try to learn and try new things getting out from my comfort zone.