How Do You Build Persistence When You’re Lost?

Three beliefs can help you find your way.

Kathryn A. LeRoy
5 min readApr 28, 2020

In the backdrop of the Great Barrier Reef, Marlin and Cora wait for their Clownfish clan to hatch. Tragedy strikes when a barracuda invades their sea anemone. Marlin finds himself with only one egg and no Coral.

When that lone egg hatches, he has one fin smaller than the other. Marlin becomes an over-protective father hovering over Nemo and his small fin. Marlin fears the ocean and shields his only son from anything and everything that could hurt him.

As children will do, Nemo defies his father and ventures off the reef and into danger.

I won’t spoil the story if you haven’t seen it. But Marlin leaves the safety of the reef to look for Nemo who finds himself in the dentist’s office fish tank. Both Marlin and Nemo reveal the power of their persistence.

Lessons on How to Build Persistence

You can gain valuable insights on persistence from Finding Nemo and the research of Jane McGonigal. McGonigal writes about how she used gaming to recover from a severe concussion. Her scientific research explains how all kinds of games help us respond to stress, pain, and challenges. Three beliefs emerged.

“These three qualities are



Kathryn A. LeRoy

Creator of words and images. Seeker of excellence, kindness, and learning. Believer in the strength of the human spirit. Find me at: