How Do You Choose Your Clothes on a Morning?

A trio of micro stories

Daniel G. Clark


Photo by Lennart Hellwig on Unsplash

I wrote these micro-stories for the Briefly Write Weekly Prompt Game. This week’s task is to write a micro-story that includes the words BLUE, CHOICE, and SHUFFLE.

How Do You Choose Your Clothes on a Morning?

She hesitated. Blue jumper or red jumper? She’d never been good with these sorts of choices.

A shuffling noise from behind hurried her up.

She chose red.

Slowly, she crept back through the church. Took a final pitying look. Then smothered him.


She shuffled through an empty village. Felt spooked by its silence.

The perfect blue sky glistened menacingly. A chilling breeze blew from nowhere.

“Choice not chance” she muttered to herself. “Choice not…”

She arrived at her fate. Knocked hesitantly.

The Last Blue Rose

A blue rose

A choice to make
Should I go?

