How Do You Know What Direction To Head In Is The One For You?

Listen for the songs of your Soul to be sung again

Gregory Reece-Smith


What Direction To Head In? —Photo by Heather Wilde on Unsplash

The purpose of the current transition is for each of us to make our choice as to the direction to head in.

Do we stay in the familiar which is now outdated, and unworkable, leaving us feeling unsatisfied, spiritually unfilled, and disconnected from Mother Earth?

Or, towards the new with its uncharted territory. Where do you have the opportunity to co-create a world and lifestyle that aligns with the song of your Soul?

First Know Thyself To Know The Direction To Head In

The challenge for almost everyone today is their education says we need to first know the why? Whereas really all we need to feel is we must.

Only later will the why become clear. Which many never discover because they did not take their first step into the unknown. Hence, the importance of trust in choosing the direction to head in.

Have you ever noticed some of your best ideas, your “aha moments” and epiphanies happen when you are at peace and not thinking of something? They come when your brain is doing something completely different, focused on nothing.



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.