How do You Know You’re a Procrastinator

Angel Joy
Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2020

Is Procrastination is good? If not , why?

Photo by Christopher Lemercier on Unsplash

What’s procrastination?. Simply it can defined as a gap between your intention and action. Your mind is intended to do something productive but there’s a strong reluctance from your body to perform the action.

Sometimes, procrastination seems to be a doubtful concept. Many lives is at stake today because of this, unknowingly.

I’m a procrastinator, sleep lover and a person who nicknamed as 'last minute girl’ in all aspects. So I think I’m in a better place to write about this topic more than anyone.

I’m going to help you with few tips to assess your life in order to find you belong in this category or not.

So here we go,

1.Master in finding excuses.

If you have a habit of postponing, by making simple excuses, it’s nothing but a sign of procrastination. If you had a good potential to do things, there is no need to find an excuse.

If you’re a master in finding excuses, then you got mastery in procrastination .

2. getting up late.

If you have habit of waking up in noon in the morning, note that it’s the time to change your daily routine. Waking up in the morning helps your brain to think properly and get the things done so fast , so you can reach the bed at night on time.

Reschedule your brain in order to reschedule your day.

3. Always finish up things just before deadline.

Have plenty of time but wait till the point to get things done, it lies as a common sign which depicts you’re procrastinating things. These kind of people complete their work, only when they’re threatened with a ‘must do’.

So it’s my advice don’t wait till your death, to end procrastination.

4.Your mind will be messy so as the room.

They don’t have a advanced plan to get things done. Their minds are wandering here and there to find a good plan, eventually they land up with no plan. They don’t have a correct order in their life .

Don’t lead a messy life, be a messi in your life.

5.Addicted to social media.

A place where all fun begins, place where you’re curious to find out the number of people’s who liked and commented on your latest post , curious about the latest updates of friends. You spent more time on social media than get the things done.

6.Running away from problem.

The power of resilience is much lower in these category of people. They always had a habit of running away from problems which are their creations. They lack the confidence and audacity to face it.

Develop a habit of eliminating and facing problems throughout life.

7.Interested in figuring out other’s mistakes.

They don’t have enough time to figure out their own drawbacks because there’re busy in doing other stuffs.

8.Bed lover .

Reluctant to getup from bed cause they’re glued to bed like snail. This is a terrific sign shows you’re procrastinating things.

No more snooze in alarm.

9.Anyone can predict your life.

Even a beggar can predict your life schedule, cause everyday is same. No tougher days, no hurdles, no plans, no aim. You’re living but like dead.

Prediction is OK, but it’s your responsibility to change their prediction.

10.Uncertain goals.

Uncertainty in life is nothing but it develops from uncertain goal. lazy people can’t find the real meaning of their life and don’t want a Change.

Be impatient about goals, stop procrastinating things.

These signs help you to assess how serious your procrastination is, figure it out, tackle them down now.



Angel Joy

Inspiring the world through personal development and entrepreneurship |Blogger| . Writer in 7+ publication. Reach me on 👉 my