Illumination Writing Challenge

How Do You Measure the Worth of a Tree?

It may knot be what you think

Timothy Key
Published in
5 min readJul 17, 2020


“I think that I shall never see

A poem lovely as a tree.” — Joyce Kilmer

Somewhere in my battered memory bank is the quote, “I think that I shall never see a smokestack as lovely as a tree.” But after a moderately vigorous search on Google, all I could come up with is Joyce Kilmer’s first lines of his famous poem, Trees, written in 1913.

In the Wikipedia reference above, mention is made of several parodies, including Ogden Nash’s uses billboards as a contrast to the tree. Perhaps that is what I am thinking of, maybe not.

I suppose it is irrelevant in this forum as all I wish to talk about is the tree. Specifically, the tree Charles Roast took a picture of and wrote this poem about:

The photo in question is here:



Timothy Key

Retired from fire service after 26 years. Writer and world traveler. I believe compassion, grace and gratitude are contagious and should be spread liberally.