How Do You Solve A Problem Like Khadeeja?

She’s a darling! She’s a demon! She’s a lamb!

Nada Chehade


Artwork by @hassansquared on Instagram

Khadeeja is the story of the girl… any girl; she shows up everywhere, every time, and in any place throughout history. She is the girl who couldn't be gaslit, the girl who challenged the status quo, the girl who knew she wanted more.

Khadeeja is the girl who stood up to a pack of soldiers to defend her home. She is the woman who refused to sit on the back of the bus. She’s the woman who writes stories about it. She always stands up for what’s right.

Khadeeja is the person who takes the heat for taking a stance. The woman who gets labeled for having an opinion out of the norm; the one whose character gets assassinated in public; the one who risks her life while doing it.

And everyone is constantly asking her, “Khadeeja, why do you care to do it?”

And she’s always wondering, “How come you don't asshole?”

Well, I’d like to say a word on her behalf….

Then say it sister Mansaf!

Khadeeja makes me laugh.

When I’m feeling sad, I simply remember some of my favorite Khadeeja’s, and then I don’t feel so bad.

