How climate change can affect the growth and productivity of forests

How Does The Forest Service Use Environmental Science?

The use of environmental science to address threats to natural resources

Patrick OConnell
Published in
7 min readJan 30, 2022


pic of sign that says: US Dept of Agriculture and US Forest Service
Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

The benefits of ecosystem services

Ecosystem services are the diverse benefits that the natural environment and healthy ecosystems provide to people. Environmentalists and foresters are responsible for managing the overall quality of woodlands, parks, rangelands, and other natural resources.

Environmental scientists advise farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers how to improve their land for agricultural purposes and control erosion. [Sources: 5, 11]

Pasture managers can take inventory of soils, plants, and animals; develop resource management plans; help restore degraded ecosystems, or help manage the ranch.

They also maintain soil and vegetation stability for use as wildlife habitat and outdoor recreation. In addition, they carry out activities such as putting out fires and planting seedlings. [Sources: 11]

Environmental scientists and foresters use their skills to determine the impact of fires on a region’s environment…



Patrick OConnell

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