How Eating Healthy Foods Saved My Life

The Life-Saving Secret I Discovered in Healthy Eating!

Sanduni Sulochana


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I have been a university student in Sri Lanka for four years. It’s a long way from my home to the university. So, I had to stay at the hostel.

During that time, I consumed many processed foods, instant noodles, chips, and sugary drinks.

Almost everything I ate was unhealthy!

After finishing four years of university, I had a full body medical check-up.

I was shocked when I saw my reports.

I had borderline levels of cholesterol and sugar!

I’m still in my 20s and I felt so guilty about myself.

My doctor advised me to be careful about what I eat every day. She didn’t prescribe any medicine, because I’m still on the borderline.

Soon after meeting my doctor, I decided to stop all of my unhealthy eating habits.

Because I hate taking tablets every day. 😥

What I did was,

✔️ I started to eat different kinds of salad bowls.

✔️ I replaced processed foods with homemade meals, chips with healthy nuts, butter with avocado, and chocolate with low-sugar fruits.



Sanduni Sulochana

Big Data Analyst Inspiring you with Investment Strategies, Personal Finance, Mindfulness, Self Improvement, Positive Thinking & Healthy & Happy life! ✨