How Facebook Helped Me Gain Over 20 New Substack Subscribers

Even one paid subscriber.

Sara Burdick


Image created by Sara B in Canva. Can you tell I am not a design expert??

You might think only one paid, but it is a big win. Try to get someone to pay for a newsletter that is already free. If you are a writer, having someone pay for your words is the best feeling in the world.

So, how did Facebook help me have a win?

Facebook, oh, how I love to hate you, but after last, I can’t deny your power. As of 2023, Facebook still has over 3 billion users.

Let that number sink in.

I will use my story to demonstrate what I am talking about. I am not a social media expert; I do not enjoy using social media.

I typically use it to spy on what people are doing or occasionally scroll through my feed. I use Instagram to connect with people via messaging and Facebook to promote my newsletter and videos (sometimes).

Sometimes, I reconnect with old friends and family. That is the extent of it.

I thought I had deactivated both Instagram and Facebook for the past six months, but I had not. I simply logged out and did not log back in until last week.

I thought maybe I should start promoting the Spanish school I work at, in backpacking groups since the power of…



Sara Burdick

I quit the rat race after working as a nurse for 16 years. Travel and Storyteller. I live in Colombia.