How Food Tickles My Senses

A Free Verse Poem

Neha Sandhir S


Photo by ED HARRIS on burst

My sense of sight creates a piquant image of the food
Sending signals to my brain cells
Simultaneously activating my
sense of smell
To mesmerize with its’s aroma and blend in the symphony.

Sometimes I spark my sense of touch to relish it faster
As I take my first bite
My sense of taste triggers the ‘whoopee’ factor
For the ultimate foodie satisfaction
Signalling to ignore my
sense of hearing for a while
For that moment’s exuberant
Bon Appetit Escapade.

©Neha Sandhir. All Rights Reserved.

Thank You for Reading 😊. Hope you enjoy reading some of my other poems/articles too.



Neha Sandhir S

Passionate Mother-Reiki Healer-Entrepreneur-Educator-SeniorEditor-Ayurveda-Yoga enthusiast-Masters in Business/Technology-Journeying through Spiritual Growth🌻