How has Yoga changed me?

When people ask “Why Yoga?” and What change has it brought in your Life”?

Sneha Bharadwaj
3 min readDec 4, 2023


Photo by Neha Maheen Mahfin on Unsplash

My answer is very simple.

I completely resonate with the analogy in HathaYoga, where a human body is compared to an earthen pot, which is very soft, and when it’s put under pressure, or placed under water, it either breaks down or disintegrates. However, when the same pot is heated in fire it gets sturdy and becomes useful as well as capable of holding water in it. Yoga understands that the body is like an unbaked pot, that may not be able to sustain the pressures of the world. Thus, it needs to transform being heated in the flames of Yogic practices to emerge vigorous and strong which can then handle the challenges of life.

It’s a very simple concept, but the truth to be told is, it’s very difficult to comprehend in its true essence. According to me “To exist in this universe is everyone’s truth”, but to live with profound contentment is a conscious choice that requires effort. Because it’s not a once-off stunt, which gives immediate relief. It’s a lifestyle that continuously disciplines our mind and body, and makes it ready to combat the negative energy flowing around us, to keep the unhealthy distractions away.

I could feel that Yoga is making me a better version of myself every day, as I am learning to cope with my emotions and my reactions are becoming more subtle. I can value people more, embrace truly valuable situations, and make every effort to ignore conversations and accusations that are just a distraction in my life.

Also, I don’t crave too much on eating unhealthy foods anymore, and I look forward to each sunrise with new hope and a new beginning. The days are not so gloomy anymore and the suffering is not hurting me anymore. I am a better mother, a better wife, and a better person :)

Photo by kike vega on Unsplash

More than the Physical transformation. It’s a holistic change, which can only be felt and not explained. Though I am not 100% there in terms of finding peace, at least I have carved a path for me and every single day I am mining more into it, and gathering beautiful insights about my life and the purpose around it. It’s a very calming, and soothing feeling to be in this state. But let me also tell you, it’s not easy to be in this state, as we are living in a very complex and chaotic world where sometimes, certain circumstances or situations can completely break your castle of hope and tranquility. The true mantra is as follows :

“If you want to be good at something , you need to do it more often or make it part of your life”

which is exactly what I am trying to do ….

If you are reading this, I will be very curious to know, What’s your mantra around your life and it’s ultimate purpose, What are you aiming for in Life?



Sneha Bharadwaj

An IT Professional, a mother of two kids , a certified Yoga Teacher and someone who is very keen in sharing different perspectives about life and experiences.