How I doubled the stories published for last month

Muad Arshad
Published in
4 min readNov 2, 2020

It is a simple theory to follow

The writing-game is up for anyone to win.

You can easily get the hang of an interesting topic, try to relate to a personal experiences if possible, and publish. There are thousands of publications that help you reach a greater audience, so, might as well give it a go.

Photo by Ana Tavares on Unsplash

Medium allows writers to showcase their talents in different ways. Hence, the writers who know how Medium works around, makes the most out of it.


The key to success itself is, writing.

What was my initial strategy?

Medium is home for thousands of writers across the globe, writing under different topics, day-in and day-out.

Your writing strategy is important.

Just as a Sun Tzu quotes says,

All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.

I work as an Associate Business Analyst at a local software firm, and the time I spend on my full-time job requires a minimum of 9–9.5 hours of daily burnout. I kind of like what I do too — still, this leaves me up the best times of the day to write spent just on my job.

For starters, just three months ago, I published once a week. I gave my writing career a start by writing on things I like, specially related to tech-roles and random topics on life.

The reason I followed the weekly routine was the fact, I was following up two online courses that required a minimum daily commitment of one hour. Once done with the learning, I would try my luck writing — and I fail! This was going on for two months. So I kept my writing routine to spark only during weekends where I had spare time, and jovially I would write, from topics like “Must-have skills for a Business Analyst” to “How does the four-day workweek really work?

What you want to write is simply a matter of choice. Be sure you have a knowledge on what you write on, or it is a personal experience you relate, that way you could ‘own’ the story and bring the best version.

Somehow, insights on my weekly routine looked a little irregular. The sole reason, I would write only during weekends and the statistics shows a rise mostly during the weekends.

What measures did I adopt?

With all the daily “hustling” I was nothing short of five hours of spare. Believe me, for me five hours spare time is wind, it goes by and I would not even notice. I wanted this time to be kept notice.

I had completed one of my online courses by the end of the second month I had started to write on medium. With just a little over five hours to spare, out of which two hours I surely spend checking on my family and my friends — just a little longer.

So when I actually break it down, I wouldn’t have more than 2.5 hours a day to work on writing.

At the beginning of October, I utilized this time to grind in a few stories. I would take a good 15–20 minutes to look at something I would like to write on. If it is something that strikes my head right away, I go ahead and do research on it, if needed. Else, I start writing.

Just like anyone else, I get distracted a little too much with random notifications and messages too. Somehow, right after finalizing on the topic and completing a brisk research, I breakdown the sections of the story I write about. Then give it a go.

I tested this method out, and two hours suddenly seemed adequate time to write on. But I was missing on the quality. I write on the most interesting topics, but to support it with research I needed sufficient research documents to back it up. Focusing on what I would want to write for that day, I miss out on the research. So I slowed down the pace at which I would publish articles.

What I exactly gave out in the end?

Here’s how I doubled the count, I would select two stories to write on, do my research, breakdown the sections and write — following a slower pace. This way I would write a minimum of two articles every week.

Compared with most of the writers on Medium, writing two articles a week is a the simplest thing to do. End of the day, this is an assist to the majority of writers struggling to have the momentum going.

Design your own strategy, plant the seed and get right up on your feet to write on what makes you and others better!

But if you are new, and willing to be a part of the writing-game on Medium, I suggest you follow this strategy, because as I mentioned earlier, when you plant the strategy you can work around your best. Hence, soon you will be writing more than two articles every week.

About Author:

I am an Associate Business Analyst keeping baby-steps to pursue a career as a writer, all the while learning the basics and advanced techniques in writing — one day to achieve my dream.

My medium handle is Muad Arshad where you can find out articles I have written on random topics, life experiences and tech-based roles! — whoops

Reach me on twitter through @muad_0911 and on LinkedIn through Muad Arshad!



Muad Arshad

The Content Doctor | Write-ups on Product Management and related topics| Reach me through|