How I Earn Big Selling eBooks: My Simple Secret

Struggling to make money online? Check out how I boosted my earnings by selling eBooks with a super easy method.

Sana Uqaili


Dastmyer SEO AI Image Creator

Let me share my adventure into the world of making money online by selling digital books on Google.

The idea of earning more than $100 a day by simply selling books on Google search was something I stumbled upon one day, and honestly, it sounded a bit far-fetched at first.

But, as I looked into it more, I found out this chance was not only real but also very easy to get into.

Discovering an Opportunity with Google Books

I discovered that Google Books Partner Center gives people like me and you the chance to make money by selling our digital books directly through Google.

The best part? It didn’t matter if I had never written a book before or if I had zero experience in the literary world.

This platform was my ticket to potentially earning a substantial income from anywhere in the globe.

My Step-by-Step Journey

Firstly, I visited the Google Books Partner Center website. This site was the key to my entry into the world of selling…



Sana Uqaili

A content strategist and SEO specialist who can get your website ranked on the first page of Google in a matter of weeks! Visit for more info.