How I get work done when nine months pregnant

Here are a few tips to stay productive while nine months pregnant

Aabha Gopan


Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash

If someone hasn’t already told you, here it is — pregnancy isn’t easy.

One day, you’re like a fully charged phone, ready to complete every command, and the other day, you’re barely lighting up the screen like a phone at 2 percent.

Whether you’re a working woman or a homemaker, these fluctuations in energy levels can ruin your day and make it impossible to get work done.

As a pregnant woman, I understand the plight. Luckily, I could figure out a few tricks to help me stay productive while growing a baby. I’ll list them here for you.

1. Find a solution to morning sickness

Mornings are particularly difficult during pregnancy due to morning sickness (ironically, it can affect you any time of the day).

Some women have it worse than others. While a few gag at the smell of food, others gobble down a meal of two.

In short, nausea affects every pregnant woman differently.

I didn’t throw up more than thrice a day but experienced nausea throughout the first four months. Eating became something necessary to sustain my baby’s and my life…



Aabha Gopan

Loving human minds while changing my toddler's diaper.