How I Got 10 Followers on Medium in 1 Week

Mona, Klarecon LTD
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2022
Photo by Sofiya Levchenko on Unsplash

Who said you could celebrate only when you reach 100?

Hello there fellow readers and writers!

If you’re reading this, let me know in the comments. I’ll be ecstatic to know I did a decent job with the headline :D

I don’t know how I found Medium, but I’m grateful I did. I created an account a few months back just to read articles and get inspiration for title writing. People here are really good at writing compelling titles!

I became more active in December 2022 as I decided to start writing online again. The first thing I did was to read other writers’ articles and clap & comment on the ones I found helpful.

I have learned a few things about building a viewership online and found a common factor across various platforms: how much you give. How much you engage with others’ content and support them in their journey.

I think that’s what got me 10 followers within a week, even before I posted any articles here. As I comment on articles, it makes me visible to the author and other viewers, especially if I share my POV or highlight a part of the article that stood out.

What next? I plan on writing and publishing articles here on Medium alongside learning from this wonderful community. I have already submitted my first article to a publication and have been awaiting its approval (wish me success!).

A massive shoutout to the 1st person who gave me a follow — Veronica Llorca-Smith 💎She’s been helping so many beginners like me by sharing her learnings on how she built a following of 1.4K in just 3 months! Do follow her, guys.

Back to my celebration — yes, I’m celebrating my first 10 followers! Thank you, people, for finding me worthy. I’ll work on sharing knowledge and making a little difference in your life or even bringing a smile to your face through my content.

I will write about the management lessons I learned in my career and content. I’m not a famous content influencer or anything, but I have a huge personal interest in this topic.

That’s it for now.

Thanks a ton for reading! It means so much :)



Mona, Klarecon LTD

I manage a fully-remote content & VA agency | I write about management and content to help others learn and grow faster, and avoid the mistakes I made :)