How I Got My Life Back After 7 Years in Bed

From invalid to rollerblader — and so much more, by the grace of God

Moira Shepard
2 min readJul 28, 2022


Woman on swing at beach at sunset
Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

I’m passionate about helping you have enough confidence to step up, speak out, and shine.

You might wonder how I got into this work. It’s an interesting story.

It started when I spent seven years in bed.

I had a back injury. My doctors had given up after five failed surgeries.

Alternative healers got me to the point where I could sit, stand, or walk for 15 minutes a day.

One night, something surprising happened.

Watch this video (less than 3 minutes) to find out more, and/or scroll down a bit to read the rest of the story.

How I Got My Life Back After 7 Years in Bed

I woke up at 3:30 one morning out of a sound sleep to find my room filled with golden light.

Voices spoke to me, saying, “Moira, it’s time for you to get out of bed and heal the world.”

In my shock, all I could say was, Okay.

After hours of visions and crying and taking notes…

The voices went quiet. The sun came up. And it was just me in the room.

I thought, “I have no idea how to heal anyone. I have no idea where to start or what to do. I just know one thing: I’m going to do this.”

I had no confidence in myself or my abilities, but I trusted that whoever sent this calling knew what it was doing, or it would have called someone else.

That was enough to begin with.

“God doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called.” — Mark Patterson

Since then, I’ve taken rollerblading lessons on Venice Beach.

I’ve flown to Rome and discovered the joy of gelato for breakfast.

I’ve created a life and a business that I love.

It all began with being willing to start from where I was with what I had, to follow my calling.

If you have a calling, a mission, a passion, a talent — and you’re waiting until you have more confidence before you put yourself out there…

I’m here to help because you are needed now more than ever.

Here’s an easy place to start.

Go to to pick up your free copy of my top 3 tips to instantly feel more confident.

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Moira Shepard

I’m all about helping you to develop the confidence you need to share your message and make a difference. Get my top 3 tips at