How I Grind

Mother by day, hustler by day

Sylvia Emokpae


I’m a hypocrite.

I tell people every day to focus on positivity and to believe in themselves. I tell people to love themselves and treat themselves kindly. I speak as if I know what I’m talking about. And the truth is, I really do understand the theory of happiness at its core. I understand the theories behind self-improvement and building your own trade. I’m in the thick of it and logically speaking, I know exactly what I need to do to become successful, and how to feel good now.

But I still put myself down every day.

I struggle to come up with ideas for my writing and that makes me feel insecure. My figures have definitely increased in all aspects — in followers, reads, and financially, but they’re not groundbreaking.


And while I know that’s OK, I still wonder whether I’m doing the right thing.

Managing Dream Vs Reality

I get self-doubt every day, but I have learned to manage it. Some days I engage with it, some days I tell it no thanks.

If I listened to society, if I used deductive reasoning, I would conclude that I am wasting my time trying to make a living from writing.



Sylvia Emokpae

Hustler by day, mother all the time. Inspired by normal life occurrences because, in hindsight, everything we do is interesting. Chocolate addict.