How I Jumped From $0.17 and 147 Views to $500 and 30K

Here are my 10 lessons learned in 10 months to help you jump to the next level. Yes, you can make money on Medium too!

Kristina God, MBA


Business photo created by jigsawstocker

Recently, I answered this question on Quora:

Can you make money on Medium?

This uplifting and insightful story received several upvotes and shares.

That’s why I wanted to republish it on ILLUMINATION and even add exclusive insights for you, which I didn’t share on Quora.

Let me start by saying:

Yes, you can write, jump to the next level and make money online on Medium!

Great intro, isn’t it?

I’ll show you how do-able this whole online writing thing can be for you, when you’re new(ish) to Medium.

I just need to say, you’ve got this, dear new writers.

You can build something bigger than you ever dreamed possible.

I started with zero followers, earnings and views

Over the past 10 months, I’ve written around 330 articles on Medium and accumulated more than 80k views on my work.

December 2020



Kristina God, MBA

Award-winning marketing manager I Bestselling Substack author I YouTuber⚡Join my Online Writing Club: