How I Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance (Even with a Demanding Job)

More time for family, fun, and creative endeavors

Jason Gutierrez


Photo by DocuSign on Unsplash

I was never good at maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

In my early twenties, I was a young bachelor with no real at-home responsibilities except for a puppy. Somehow I had no energy during the week — always beat up and exhausted from work.

At 26, I made a huge mistake and quit my job because I was burnt out and wanted something better.

But now, I’m 34 with a family of five (about to be six). Plus two dogs and one cat. Somehow I have more energy during the week than I did in my twenties.

My job is arguably harder. My home life crazier. But my work-life balance is better than ever.

There’s no secret. It’s hard work. The four things I’m about to share with you are the four pillars of my effective work-life strategy, honed over 15 years of corporate servitude.

If one pillar buckles or falls, the other three might hold, but probably not. If two fall, it all comes crashing down.

I do what I can to keep all four in good working condition.

1. Be Productive During “Work” Time



Jason Gutierrez

Engineer. Papa. Each week, I share short essays and stories on careers, life, and the creative process 🖊: