How I Make Passive Income Writing On Medium

If I was able to do it, so can you.



Photo by Viacheslav Bublyk on Unsplash

At times, I wish that I was in a pool swimming with a bunch of Benjamin’s as I sip a Pina Colada. Letting the breeze of the ocean hair re-adjust my wet hair as I admire the beautiful essence of being alive. But to enjoy that lifestyle, do you have to receive transactions in Yens or Euros?

A lot of people think that passive income has to be something huge. I mean, who even starts from the top? I thought, you know… we all have to climb the mountain.

This month, there has been a lot of changes to the ways that I write. The Spring semester began, which means that my college classes are sucking me in like a whale and yes, I am stressed.

But, something happened.

I wrote less and made more. A lot of my earnings so far in this month has been from stories that I had published through December and January. If I were to count on the earnings of the articles written in February, I would not be able to afford not even one succulent.

The Month of February

So far this month, I have made $13. Of those $13, only $3 came from stories written in February.

What exactly does this mean?




If you cannot find me, I am probably writing. Usually, I write about fiction, love, and self-improvement. Oh, love!