How I Manage Depression to Stop The Hurt

Happiness is better than living with depression

Dayton Parks


A smiling woman in a hoodie sitting in a field. How I Manage Depression to Stop The Hurt.
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Depression hurts. You feel it in your mind, but you react to it in your body. It makes you believe things are hopeless, and the response is your stomach aches. Feeling helpless makes you cry and causes anxiety. There are reasons for some people feeling despair. And negative emotions can be unexplainable. With or without an answer or reason, depression is real, and it hurts.

I have bouts of depression. I am not comfortable talking about it. But I’m going to discuss it here because I’ve learned things from it that might help you.

Disclaimer: I am not a psychologist, and I don’t have a diagnosis of any form of depression. But I have experienced feeling depressed in all the ways I’m going to discuss. Before I get started, if you feel depressed and it continues for more than a few days or if you feel suicidal, contact a medical professional or dial 800–273–8255. What I’ve written about is my experience with depression, at times deep depression, and it is for informational use based upon my experience. I hope it helps you.

Let’s dive in.

Depression and fear of failure

Some fear of failure is normal and good. I’ve never bungee jumped because I have a fear…



Dayton Parks

Published in The Ascent, The Writing Cooperative, Illumination-curated, Writers’ Blokke.