How I Overcame my ADHD Problem

As a young student and college freshman

Marco De Luca
5 min readMar 31, 2024


Photo by Michal Vrba on Unsplash

My journey through education begins in Italy, a place dear to my heart yet lacking in the support systems crucial for learning and personal growth. While I cherish my Italian identity, I must admit that my time there was fraught with unhappiness. Whether it was the weight of poverty stifling my potential or the pervasive feeling of confinement akin to an open-air prison, something was amiss.

Enrolling in a public school underscored the systemic challenges I faced. The educational landscape mirrored a casual teaching approach — uniform lectures, standardized material, devoid of recognition for diverse learning needs. Consequently, any underlying learning difficulties remained unnoticed, leaving me oblivious to my own struggles.

In class, I found it hard to focus. Instead of engaging with the curriculum, my mind would wander elsewhere. I’d crack jokes, daydream about video games, or jot down plans for when I got home. It’s not that I lacked effort or intent; I genuinely tried to concentrate, but the lectures failed to hold my attention.

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This disconnect left me feeling frustrated and misunderstood, as if I were swimming against the current without a lifeline. Despite my best efforts, the traditional teaching methods proved ineffective in nurturing my academic growth.

The sluggish pace and monotony of class always left me restless, yearning for something more stimulating. To cope, I developed a last-minute cramming ritual before exams. It was a rush of adrenaline as I immersed myself in studying and memorizing the material, often emerging with top scores — 97% and above — like clockwork, at least until my final year of high school.

Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash

As that critical year loomed, I faced a harsh reality check. The stakes were higher, the material more demanding, and my old study tactics were no longer cutting it. Caught between the looming specter of failure and the need for change, I found myself stuck in a cycle of inertia, neither fully committing to focused learning nor embracing failure.

Throughout the semester, I maintained a mediocre performance, scraping by with minimal understanding of the coursework. But deep down, I knew I couldn’t keep treading water. The wake-up call came during the summer break, just months before the national finals, when I realized I hadn’t even cracked open a book.

The sight of classmates, once trailing behind me, now surpassing my stagnant progress was a bitter pill to swallow. It was a wake-up call — a stark reminder that I couldn’t afford to coast any longer. It was time for a radical overhaul, a seismic shift that would propel me beyond this impasse.

So, I made a bold decision — I committed to studying eight hours every day. I crafted a meticulous schedule for each subject, dedicating one day to completing the entire textbook and the next to tackling previous exam questions. Some subjects demanded more time, like physics, where I had to start from scratch, scouring YouTube for tutorials.

When exam time rolled around, I put my method to the test. The day before each exam, I dove into intense revision, reviewing every equation, every solved problem, every nugget of information that could give me an edge. And you know what? It worked.

When the results came in, I’d achieved a whopping 97.1% as my high school GPA. It felt like a personal triumph, a validation of my unique learning approach, and a glimmer of hope for the future.

It’s moments like these that shape our paths, defining who we are and what we’re capable of. They remind us that true growth often happens in the crucible of challenge, not in the comfort of complacency. How far are you willing to push yourself for a dream that’s yet to be seen? For me, the motivation wasn’t about chasing a high score — it was about believing in the potential of that score to open doors to something greater.

Photo by Armand Khoury on Unsplash

Sure enough, a year later, that belief paid off. I used my high GPA to secure a scholarship to Turkey, granting me the opportunity to pursue a fully-funded education abroad. It was a pivotal moment — one that marked the beginning of a new chapter, filled with promise and possibility.

ADHD During College

College came around, and I was secretly hoping my attention issues would magically fade away. The initial excitement had me geared up to be that model student who absorbs every lecture with laser focus. But reality hit hard — turns out, my brain had other plans.

No matter how hard I tried to stay engaged, those long, drawn-out lectures just didn’t sync with my learning style. Sitting through 40 minutes of non-stop information felt like a marathon I couldn’t finish. It wasn’t for lack of trying; my brain simply rebelled against the traditional approach.

But hey, necessity breeds innovation, right? By the second semester, I’d devised a workaround: instead of zoning out to the lecturer’s drone, I poured all my energy into my own study materials. Whether I was binge-watching YouTube tutorials, burying my nose in textbooks, or hammering out practice questions, I found a rhythm that worked.

Photo by Jasmine Coro on Unsplash

And you know what? It’s paying off. I can feel myself making real progress, and I’m pretty hopeful this approach will translate into a solid GPA this semester.

So, if you’re stuck in the same boat, take a breather. Reflect on what’s clicked for you in the past and don’t hesitate to crank it up a notch. Forget about playing by the rules — this is your game, so get creative and tap into that inner genius. Because at the end of the day, success isn’t just about hitting the books — it’s about pouring your heart and soul into your studies.

I’m Marco De Luca, born and raised in the bustling streets of Naples, where the echoes of history whisper through every cobblestone. As a sculptor, I chisel away at marble, capturing the essence of Italy’s rich cultural tapestry in every stroke.

But beyond the cool touch of stone, I find warmth in the dance of words across paper. Writing is my sanctuary, a place where imagination knows no bounds. In the quiet hours of the night, I pen tales of love and loss, weaving narratives that mirror the complexities of life. Each word is a brushstroke, painting vivid landscapes of emotion and thought.

Through both sculpting and writing, I seek to leave behind a legacy that resonates with the hearts of those who encounter my work, a testament to the enduring beauty of the human spirit.



Marco De Luca

Born and raised in Naples. Sculptor by trade, I find solace in writing, expressing my unworldly thoughts and dreams through words