How I Received Free Government Grants for My Small Business!

How to find the right grants for your small business.

Crystal Mathews


Photo by Louis Velazquez on Unsplash

Have you ever considered applying for a government grant?

If you’re like me, the only thing you know about government grants is that they are hard to get and there is some sort of application process.

Did you know it’s actually possible to get a free government grant without any work or risk?

In this article, I’ll walk you through the exact process I went through to receive a grant for my small business. You’ll see what it takes, what a typical grant looks like, and how other people are using government grants in their own ventures.

Then at the end, we will give you instructions on where to go to apply for your own free government grant!

What are Government Grants?

Government grants are typically awarded to individuals or businesses that need help funding their expenses.

Government grants are different than loans because there is no interest and you don’t have to repay the amount. The only requirement is that, if you are awarded a grant, the money cannot be used for personal expenses.



Crystal Mathews

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