How I Redesigned My Life After A Disorder

8 Habits to save yourself (and more)…

Shailja Dwivedi
5 min readFeb 22, 2023


Photo by Slav Romanov on Unsplash

On April 2022 I felt a slight itch on my back. Shortly, it started becoming more painful as the days passed by.

I ignored because I thought it wasn’t a big deal until after 6 months I saw blood in the washroom. I was terrified as hell.

Then the next 90 days were a battle I didn’t signed up for but had to fight.

Here are 8 habits I do to never let this happen again (and how you can save yourself too)

Wake Up Early

Been a morning person always. But I never felt this much need ever before. Because it gives you much the needed me-time. If you’re an introvert, you can have

  • Times of solitude
  • Reflect
  • Journal
  • Pray
  • Read
  • Exercise

And get more time to kick start your day.

I incorporated some best practices into my morning routine which keeps me going. So that my health doesn’t go downhill again. Some of them are :


16 months in, meditation has become my oxygen. Shared couple of articles and videos to get started with the same.

I don’t have to describe it benefits because I know you know it. I assume my readers to be smart and well aware.

But, if you struggle to keep up with it. Here’s my only mindset you can use to stay consistent with it :

When you wake up, imagine you’ll going to meet all sorts of people. Manipulative, greedy, needy, selfish, clever, unkind, horny and more from your nightmares.

The strength you need to deal with them is through meditation. One session won’t give you that strength. But you get with consistent practice.

I’ve a lot of people in my life who drain energy out of my life, but boy, did I allowed them? Heck NO. So should you. Whether you tell it to somebody or not, you know you’ve such people in your life or will meet in the lifetime.

The mental strength you need to :

  • Deal with such people
  • Take decisions
  • Have clarity and
  • Live a purpose driven life

Is through meditation.

So if you don’t meditate, schedule meditation session today and be consistent. The benefits can’t be described but only felt and experienced.

Drink 1L Water

I’d drink 1or 2 glass of water. But after all this I started drinking about a liter of water first thing in the morning. It don’t feel thirsty. But I drink it anyway. Here are benefits to back up :

  1. You become rehydrated again (after 6–8 hours of sleep).
  2. It flushes out toxins from the body.
  3. Easy to pass stool.
  4. Keeps the metabolism in check.
  5. The best part? You lose extra pounds.

So drink 3–4 glasses of water first thing in the morning. And yes don’t gulp it down, take it sip by sip.

Sometimes its irritating but other times its pure bliss.

Do it and lemme know how it goes for you.

You could also become creative with it. Let me explain :

  1. Add some pinch of turmeric in warm water to fight inflammation in the body.
  2. Add 1tspn of ajwain in warm water to aid in digestion.
  3. Add 1 tspn of flax seeds, boil it in 2 cups of water. And you’ve a perfect remedy to relax blood vessels and improve blood circulation.
  4. Keep water in a glass jar under moon overnight and drink it sip by sip first thing in the morning. This helps regulate your menstrual cycle (in case its irregular). This is moon light charged water.
  5. Keep water in an utensil cover it with muslin cloth and keep it under sun. This becomes your sun light charged water. Heals your body inside out.

I’ve tried the first four, it shows its benefits. I’m yet to try the last one, though. But it has worked out for several people so you can try it out too.


12 hours of screen time. Thanks to work from home. No wonder why my health started getting affected so much.

If you too have a sedentary lifestyle?

Incorporate deep work and physical activities in your lifestyle. Play your favorite sports, go for a walk but don’t sit still.


Rainbow Breakfast And Real Food

I named my breakfast as rainbow breakfast because how colorful it is. According to satvik life’s rules. Have more living food. You don’t call a bag of chips as living food. A food which has ‘Prana’ in it (Life in it). Food we derive from mother nature and not from industries.

So I Eat one plate of seasonal fruits in the breakfast. Fruits are a great source of natural sugar, vitamins and minerals.

  • Easy to digest.
  • Time efficient (for productive people out there).
  • Budget friendly (1kgs of oranges for entire week in winter would cost you 80 INR).

I also prepare smoothies to be more creative. Top some :

  • Fresh bananas
  • Coconut milk
  • Cacao powder
  • Dates (natural alternative of sugar)

And grind it well

Serve it with pumpkin & sunflower seeds (powerhouse of micro nutrients) and peanut butter.

Eating After 12–16 Hours Of Dinner

It takes 6 hours to digest one chapati. That said you need to include one-two plates of salads in your diet daily.

So the food gets digested properly and doesn’t stick to the intestinal walls and doesn’t form toxins.

So I eat the first meal of my day (i:e; breakfast) after 12–16 hours of dinner.

8 Hours Of Screen Time

Too much screen time and scrolling → meaningless life. Guilty. But better late than never before.

After reflecting back I realized screen time was irregulated. I didn’t doom scroll. But I’d compare myself a lot seeing the glamourous lives of influencers (No hate though).

They’re there because of their hustle, discipline and patience.

So I urge you to reflect upon your day.

If you could cut 2 hours of screen time daily for a week. How’d you re-invest this time and into what?

I chose to invest in my health. But if you could take away one key point from this blog. It has to be this : Cut back your screen time and invest it into your health, career and life more.

No Self Care BS

That said, I don’t emphasize on taking bubble bath, reading self care quotes and all that BS.

I share what I execute and get results on. 100% of which will help you in your business, health and life.

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