How I Scored a Full 90 Each for PTE Academic in 7 Days

Here’s the exam plan I followed, exam experience with free resources, and more.

Arunn Thevapalan


A screenshot of my PTE Scorecard

I sat for the PTE Academic exam and got 90 each, the maximum possible marks for all sections, on my first attempt, after preparing for 7 days.

This article is about everything I did to achieve this result.

While I was pleasantly surprised with the results, I’m not a PTE Expert. Many friends and colleagues asked how I prepared as soon as they heard about my scores. They wanted to know how a non-expert (like them) could achieve their target scores.

Since this is of common interest, I thought I’ll write down my entire preparation as transparently as possible, so I can send this article over whenever someone asks for help.

By the way, with only seven days in hand, working smart was my only choice. Be prepared to be surprised, my friend.

PTE Academic: A Brief Introduction

Understanding the exam in-depth is of utmost importance to score high. Know what they want, and give them just that.

While this article will focus on how to prepare for the exam, let’s see some quick facts about the exam:



Arunn Thevapalan

Senior Data Scientist & Top 1000 Writer. Writing about my journey breaking into data science and building profitable side hustles. Say hi