How I tested my startup idea and acquired customers at the same time

The best way to test any idea or a concept and it’s almost free.

Nishant Modi


Image: Canva

I quit my job in Jan 2020 and decided to follow my passion to be an entrepreneur and work on the ideas I curated over the years. In the first week itself I started struggling with where to start.

My initial idea was to solve the problem of rising lifestyle diseases and the associated costs, by increasing awareness of holistic living through the concepts of ancient indian sciences such as Ayurveda.

This idea is vague and the problem is too big to solve, after all there are so many kinds of lifestyle diseases and why would one use my product or service? After researching I came up with the “five step idea validation process” on what was needed to test any hypothesis, but I still did not know where to start.

The Five Step Idea Validation Process —

  1. Define Problem Statement
  2. Find Potential Customers
  3. Reach Out To Them
  4. Ask Them Questions
  5. Repeat The Process (as needed)

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Nishant Modi

I help startup founders build their audience on Instagram. Founder of Instagrumpy & GreetsApp.