How I Tripled My Income in My Second Month On Medium

What I earned and reflections on my 5 best earning stories

Mira Lucas


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

I’ve been writing consistently on Medium for eight weeks now. It hasn’t made me a billionaire yet, but I did earn almost three times what I earned in my first month.

And I earned it without publishing more. In fact, I published less.

In March, I published 11 stories and in April I published 7 stories (and the seventh story was published on the evening of the last day of the month, so it hasn’t really impacted my earnings in a substantial way).

As I said, I’m no billionaire yet (nor would I ever want to be, of course, I just want to be able to travel and have enough money to buy some books, some plants, and maybe take care of a cat one day).

But I’m still very happy with the fact that I’m making some money, writing about things that I find interesting (if my earnings continue to increase, I can even start to depend on Medium as one of my income streams).

So I’d like to reflect on a few things I learned in my second month on Medium. After that, I’d like to reflect on my 5 best-earning stories so far.

How I tripled my income in my second month



Mira Lucas

Freelance journalist. I like cats, coffee, and equality. Editor at WAVE 4. Join Medium: