How I Used a Simple Idea to Revive My Joy?

Content Sage
Published in
7 min readNov 1, 2023

There is a burning coal inside you that has been suppressed in this digital age. You just need a small spark of a simple idea to reignite it.

Image by Vecstock

Do you remember how you used to spend your time before you got your first smartphone? I clearly remember how I used to play with my friends, go to the playground to play with swings and slides, play cricket, and football, and even go bike racing.

There were video games at the game station, where I used to play with my friends. After that, I used to read comics, magazines, and storybooks. I used to create small stories and jokes that could make me and my friends laugh. So many memories!

Now, when we see today’s generation, they’re either busy with their phones or always unhappy due to small reasons.

So, what happened? I thought about it for a long time. What are the reasons?

Mobile Addiction

I got my first smartphone in 2017. My parents bought it for me to access college notes online. But, as we all know, when we get our first phone, we want to explore every feature and think we can do anything with it. As a teenager, the phone became an essential part of my life.

Image by Freepik

The boy who used to enjoy food while eating and savor every flavor started watching a mobile even while eating. Everywhere I went, I checked my mobile every 5 minutes.

Even during exams, I thought about what was happening on Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat, and what other people were doing. I became addicted to it.

The boy who loved to play and spend time with friends started ignoring everything just to use the mobile. By playing some aggressive games, my behavior also changed.

I used to talk loudly with my parents and ignore what they said. You might have noticed similar changes in yourself or someone you know.

Last month, I decided to stay away from social media for 8 days and learned about different aspects of life. One of them was friendship, which I shared in my last article.

But the challenge was how to spend free time. I used to write technical articles, but I needed to keep my mind fresh and stay away from the mobile as much as possible.

To do this, I decided to go to the nearest playground where I used to play cricket.

Photo by Yogendra Singh on Unsplash

The next morning, I went to the ground, I think it was a Saturday. The ground was filled with some youngsters and some middle-aged people. Even some elderly folks came for walking and jogging.

Reunion With a Friend

I started watching the youngsters playing cricket and enjoyed it. While observing people here and there, I saw one of my school friends jogging on the ground.

I yelled his name at the top of my lungs, and when he spotted me, he waved with pure excitement. That’s how we reconnected after so many years.

We talked about school, what we were doing, and our other friends. Suddenly, someone hit a shot from the ground, and the ball came to us. I picked it up and threw it to the fielders.

Then I said to him, “We used to play like this, what good days those were.” And then I asked him, “Let’s start playing again. Tomorrow is Sunday, and if possible, let’s get our old friends and play.”

He said, “I have stumps and a bat; we just need to buy a ball. Let’s try to contact others and see if they can join us.”

It was a new level of determination to start playing again and more than that, it was the joy of reuniting with old friends. I called some regular friends who used to come to play, but most of them said they were busy with work, needed to sleep, etc.

The next day, we went to the ground, and we were waiting for everyone since 6 a.m., but no one seemed to arrive. After half an hour, two of our friends showed up.

Photo by vicky adams on Unsplash

They weren’t regular players, but I think they also wanted to relive precious memories. There were just four of us, and we started playing.

It had been a long time, so no one could hit the ball properly or bowl it accurately. We laughed at each other and just enjoyed it. After two matches, some middle-aged men also wanted to join us.

They had seen us laughing and enjoying playing, and they wanted to give it a try. So now, we were eight players. We divided into teams of four and started playing. Even though we weren’t playing perfectly, we were still having a great time.

The joy was clear, and we felt that happiness had filled our day. I can’t quite describe those moments, but they were truly amazing. We decided to meet next Saturday and Sunday for more cricket.

Waiting for the Next Game

One of my friends shared a story on Instagram about playing cricket. When I got home, I received calls from a couple of friends asking if they could join us.

I said, “Definitely!” Even though I had been away from social media, I was remembering every moment from that day, eagerly waiting for the next Saturday.

When we arrived on the next Saturday, there were already 2–3 friends at the ground. We talked and laughed, and after some time, more people showed up.

That day, there were 14 players on the ground, including those uncles. We played the first match while laughing, and our team lost. After that, one of the uncles on our team gently said, “We have to win this one.” Even though we were playing for fun, we saw determination in his eyes, and his words filled us with energy.

We were ready for the next match, and our opponents were also energized and ready to make it serious. By that time, we were seeing the ball properly and timing our shots well.

In the first over, we scored 14 runs. In the second over, we scored 20 runs. By the end of 8 overs, we had made 72 runs, and the target for the opposition was 73.

They were determined as well. Our first over was bowled very well, and they started hitting in the second over. In the last over, they needed 11 runs. Their key player, who had hit three sixes already, was at the crease.

The last over was being bowled by the uncle who had filled us with energy. He bowled with full dedication, but they managed to get 7 runs in 4 balls. Now they needed 4 runs in 2 balls. The uncle bowled a beautiful delivery, and the batsman missed.

We were on the verge of winning, but the batsman hit a shot, and the ball went between two fielders for a FOUR! We were expecting a win but lost.

Image by Benzoix

Still, we weren’t sad at all. We had enjoyed it to the last moment, and that joy filled everyone’s heart. It was a truly memorable day, and we continued to play cricket on Saturdays and Sundays.

Last Saturday, when we were on the ground, something unexpected happened. We thought we would play with the same 14 people, but there were suddenly 25–30 friends on the ground………. Just to revive all old memories and to create new ones!

Final Thoughts

Even though we have mobile phones and computers, we sometimes feel lonely, living lives as if we’re pretending to be introverts. It’s our emotions that truly distinguish us from animals.

We might be trapped in the so-called social media cage, but it only takes a small spark to break free.

Smartphones are an essential part of our lives, but we need to use them in moderation and make ourselves available to explore our interests and relive the feelings we once loved.

One thing I’ve realized is that the amount of happiness we experience when we meet our friends, spend time with them, and do what we love refreshes our memories and makes a difference.

Image by Benzoix

Our lives are like unchangeable light bulbs. If you keep them constantly lit, they may break. If you never turn them on, there’s a chance they won’t work. The same applies to life itself.

As we go about our daily lives, it’s essential not to forget to make friends, meet with them, and relish old memories. Moreover, don’t forget to do what you love, it’s the best way to practice self-love.

Share your experiences and what truly matters to you. Do you wish to relive the moments you once enjoyed?

The simple idea is I suggest visiting the nearest playground with your friends. Just by observing the children and youngsters, your mind will be awakened, and you’ll rediscover how to relish the small moments in a wonderful way.

If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it with your friends and inviting them to meet up. Don’t forget to like and follow as well!

If this brings you a spark of joy ☕, feel free to treat me to a coffee! 🙏😊



Content Sage

I am a content writer specializing in life stories, self-awareness, self-development, earnings, psychology, happy living, yoga, love and technology sometimes.