How I Was Able To Force A Glow Up

The Quick Answer: By redefining my purpose

Yaqoob Ahmad


Image Source: Created by Author

It’s no secret that we all want a glow up.

The problem is a lot of articles give us advice that everyone already knows. Oh you want a glow up, workout everyday, take a cold shower, only eat rice with chicken and meditate.

Like that stuff will help out, but it’s not the most important factor.

After trying every glow up hack on the internet and returning disappointed what set me on the track towards not only having a physical glow up but a mental one as well was a huge change in my approach to self-improvement. Let me explain.

Why I wanted to glow up

Here’s where I started, I was a slightly chubby, attention desperate, acne faced kid who envied others. Not a great place to start but who hasn’t been there.

It was out of my envy for others, mixed with self-doubt that caused me to dive head first into the world of self-improvement. I tried green tea, 5 min workout plans, coffee face masks, yet none availed to any signifiant improvement.

Frustrated and disappointed I searched for what I was doing wrong. And the answer hit me in the face one day. I was watching Gary V’s videos and he was talking about accountability, awareness and…



Yaqoob Ahmad

The magic you're searching for is in the work you're avoiding.