How Intermittent fasting changed my life.

Purvi Jajoo
Published in
3 min readApr 7, 2024

Hi my lovely people, hope you are well physically & mentally.

Today’s post is about a very special topic which changed my life completely and FOREVER, yes, of course, it is intermittent fasting.

life lessons psychology self love improvement
Photo by Jane Trang Doan from Pexels.

I wrote about how I ate only once per day for two months and how I got some incredible benefits from that.

Now, it’s been 4 months since I started my intermittent fasting routine and I never looked back. I eat once a day only and I take 1–2 meals in a week as my cheat meals. Apart from that, I try my best to eat clean and nutritious food.

Note: I am an Indian vegetarian(no egg) girl in her early twenties with no such underlying health conditions. If you wish to follow intermittent fasting after being inspired by my story, please check your overall body & it is necessary to do your proper research before following any such lifestyle. I am not a health doctor.

To be very honest, it was not at all easy. At the start I felt several drawbacks, like headache, insomnia, food cravings, stomach ache, etc. But as your body adapts to using fat for fuel and it starts having the phase called “autophagy”, things start to get better.

So, now I will give you a detailed list of explanations on how Intermittent fasting changed my life for good.

  1. Curbed all my sugar cravings: It is one of the best things that ever happened to me. If four months back, you would ask me to stop eating a kit kat chocolate bar at 2 A.M. in the midnight, I would tell you to shut up and go.

But, nowadays I really do not crave sugar. It feels nice to consume a choco lava cake or a pastry on my cheat meals, but now when there’s too much sugar in any coffee, I avoid it. It is in my taste buds that some things feel so sugary now.

2. It helped me lose 22 pounds: Yes, it is absolutely right. I lost close to 23 pounds in this whole process and I am maintaining this weight now. I am still on calorie deficit as I am trying to reach to my perfect weight. But, it is a huge deal as without any steroids or other fad diets, I achieved this weight.

3. Mental clarity: The only word I would like to dedicate about the mental clarity it gave me is “HUGE”. It makes you more conscious about your surroundings, your life, your goals, etc. I am not lying or exaggerating, but when you will try it for yourself, you will know.

4. Discipline: It felt surreal when I first saw a video about people not eating for 16 hours. I thought to myself, “How could someone stay intact without eating for this much time?”

But now, I have come a long way, when I stop and think about it, I feel proud & very disciplined. It feels like I can achieve anything in the world I want to, because cutting up unhealthy food and not eating in any free timeline in today’s world is not an easy job. Whoever does it, knows how beneficial it is and how much mental strength it gives to a human being.

5. Saves time: When you know you do not have to eat every 3–4 hours, you save a lot of time in not thinking and preparing the food. You can use that time in going to the gym, or walk or chill with your friends or do any productive stuff of your choice. It is the compounding effect and you realize you are saving 20 hours in a week by following an intermittent lifestyle.

So, there you go, this is how intermittent fasting completely changed my entire life and I never looked back since.

I hope this inspires you to do your own research and start doing this. Also, remember to be very clear about the kind of food you eat.

“You can’t eat a burger everyday and expect to look like a French fry.”

Have you ever tried intermittent fasting before? Or now you plan to do it?

Comment anything or pour your heart out in the comments below!




Purvi Jajoo

8+ years of research & self trial on natural skincare, I talk about improving mental health & self love. Connect with me on