How I’ve Made Over $3000/month From My Instagram Account?

Instagram Is Making Me Rich: How Much Are You Making?

Ronit Singh
5 min readDec 11, 2022


Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

Instagram is the world’s largest social media platform, with over 2 billion active users. It’s an excellent place to share photos, videos, and stories that people want to see. Imagine being able to monetize the time you spend on Instagram. Instead of mindlessly scrolling for hours every day, you could be making cash out of your account. It sounds tempting, I know.

You’ve probably heard of influencers, people with thousands of followers who live their dream, get free stuff from brands, and eat at the best restaurants in exchange for an Instagram story, yeah who wouldn’t?

Many online gurus will tell you it’s easy and so can you. The truth is, that becoming famous on Instagram is quite a full-time job, and most people aren’t ready for it. Sacrifice to achieve this lifestyle. Trust me, it’s a lot more stressful and scary than it sounds. However, what if you could make money from Instagram without putting in all that work, time, and dedication? Of course, we’re not talking about equal income levels, but you could use this strategy to build a real empire with a little work.

This is how I got started with Instagram. This strategy and business model got me into this field and it was the best and fastest way to learn everything about the platform. So why buy a course to learn Instagram when you can make money by mastering it? So what exactly is this strategy?

Instagram Theme Pages! How to grow one and make passive income?

Instagram theme pages are accounts based on specific niches, may it be memes, fishing, skating, or even pets. They have very high engagement, and typically have thousands and even hundreds of thousands of followers. The good part is that they don’t create their content, but repost popular content in their niche and give credit to the original content creator.

To summarize a theme page business model: they sell their high engagement and large following to brands or other accounts looking for it in growing in a particular niche.

How to Grow an Instagram theme page?

An Instagram Page with better Analytics
My Last 30-Days Analytics

1. Find a niche.

The first step is to find the right niche, that has high growth potential. Try to stay away from niches that are too specific or don’t seem to have any competition. If you are too narrow, it will be difficult to grow your account.

2. Optimize your account.

Once you’ve chosen your niche, you must think of a name. Don’t overthink it, try to make it readable and try to visualize what your niche is. In terms of bio, the same rules apply to a regular account. You want to make sure you explain what you’re going to post, and for whom. You can also indicate that you accept direct message requests. This will let people know they can advertise on your account.

3. Avoid Fake Followers.

This can damage your engagement and your dream of making money from Instagram.

4. Finding proper hashtags that convert.

Hashtags play an essential role to get followers on Instagram and allow you to extend your reach.

5. Posting reels regularly.

Instagram Reels Help in Growth
Reels are Helping me to Grow My Account

This can be a diamond in the coal mine strategy for you. Reels are a great way to share your talents, and ideas or even promote your business. Instagram prioritize video form of content over images as it increases their screen time.

How many followers you must have to make money?

You need to have a minimum number of followers to make money on Instagram. The exact number will depend on the niche and your target audience, but generally speaking, you can expect to make money with a following in the hundreds or thousands range.

How to monetize Theme pages and make a living from them?

1. Paid Shoutouts.

Small Business owners or Influencers pay you to post on your account about their product, service, or brand to get attention, followers, or sales. Niches like Business, Pets, Health, Arts, etc. have more valuable followers therefore they have high shoutout prices.

2. Selling your own products/Setting up an Instagram Shop

  1. One of the most common methods is to start an e-commerce website that sells products sold in your niche. You don’t need to keep inventory to start with and you can easily find vendors who ship directly to your customers. Also known as Drop Shipping.
  2. Another option is selling digital products such as courses, especially if you know your niche and can provide your audience with useful information and insights that would really help them.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is an easy, high-earning, and low-risk way to make money by promoting products in your niche. When someone clicks the link and follows with their purchase, you get a small percentage of the sale price.

4. Selling your Instagram Pages

Recently, I sold my 300k followers account at an astonishing price of $3400 ( Shoutouts + affiliate not included ). You’ll probably think I am lying but it’s true, even I didn’t believe it. You can ask $100 per 10k followers for your page.

Note: Not all 300k pages will be sold at $3400, my page was based on the business niche so it got sold at a slightly high price.


Instagram is Growing day by day so it is never too late to start and make money from it. I hope this article has helped you understand the earning potential of these pages.

Thank you!



Ronit Singh

I am a professional technophile, Blogger & Digital Marketing Expert.