How Leading a Double Life Takes a Toll on Mental Health

An inauthentic life can create a catch-22 situation

Mukundarajan V N


Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

A double life is one where we pretend to be what we are not. It’s as if the personality that we show to the world is a double for our real self.

Total authenticity is neither possible nor desirable. All relationships thrive on an element of the make-believe.

Sometimes contextual affectation can be harmless or even has a positive impact.

You come home tired from the office. You have had a taste of your boss’ nasty tongue. Your spouse wants to talk about her exciting day. You pretend to be normal and listen to her.

You want to hit the bed and your kid wants you to read out a story to him. You oblige pretending to be a happy father or mother.

Situational pretence greases the social engine. I am an introvert. Parties scared me a lot. I tried to avoid as many parties I could.There was no way I could avoid official parties like a send off function to a colleague.

I put up a brave face, laughed at vulgar jokes and pretended to enjoy the hotel food. I, however, left at the earliest opportunity, which was when people started pouring drinks. They were happy to let me go as they could drink my share of the booze.



Mukundarajan V N

Retired banker living in India. Avid reader. I write to learn, inform and inspire. Believe in ethical living and sustainable development.