How Long Can You Survive Without Sleep?

The importance of our circadian rhythm

Angelina Der Arakelian


Photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash

I often find myself rolling around in my bed, dreading the very thought of falling asleep. I’ll do anything to spend a few more hours partaking in an activity that will distract me from any notion of shutting my eyes. Besides, nighttime is when inspiration seems to kick me in the guts and yell use me just as my head meets the pillow.

But the evening gives out mixed vibes.

Some nights we might be determined to pursue that big project we’ve had at the back of our minds for a while now, while other nights we may feel so exhausted that entering a slumber is almost as effortless as opening our eyes in the morning.

This discrepancy in mood that befalls on us upon the dusk of the sun has me wondering: What if humans decided to outlaw sleep one day?

What if, one day, the act of sleeping got so unpopular that we were left with no choice but to scrap it off our to-do lists?

The Possibility of Not Sleeping for Days

In 1963, a teenage boy called Randy Gardner decided to undergo an experiment that would determine how long he could stay awake. By the end of the trial, it was found that he had successfully stayed awake for 11 days straight (the world…



Angelina Der Arakelian

An author who chases sunsets and tries to make sense of a place we call the Universe. Say hi at 💫