How Many Articles Should I Write In A Day/Week/Month?

Embracing consistency and quality over quantity in article writing

Helen Ngo


Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

After publishing nearly 200 articles on Medium, I’ve learned that there’s no point in worrying about how much time to spend or how often to post.

The desire to know the answer to “How many articles should I write in a day, a week, a month” is too result-focused.

And if I don’t do it regularly, it leads me to focus on my shortcomings instead of my results.

Don’t ask yourself how much you should write. Use a work diary to track your work process effectively!

Photo by Marissa Grootes on Unsplash

When we go to work, we often get annoyed with our boss because they make us send in a work diary that is pointless and time-consuming.

But you know what?

Your boss wants the best for you.

They’re so busy with so many things that they don’t force you to send them all your work — they don’t even have time to look at it.



Helen Ngo

Helen is sharing her online writing journey. With personal experiences and practical tips, She aims to inspire and guide your path to success.