What Are the Safe Limits of Coffee for These Top 8 Brands

With a little history of how coffee was discovered

Camille Allard


A wooden storefront with a logo of Starbucks — my favorite coffee shop. Camille Allard on Medium.com.
I love Starbucks and I know one cup doesn’t kill you. It makes you energetic. — Image by Şahin Sezer Dinçer

Nobody has died after visiting Starbucks. But Davis Allen Cripe, 16, chugged a cafe latte from McDonald’s, a large Mountain Dew, and an energy drink — and suddenly died in the classroom.

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Let’s find out more about what happened here.

How much is safe

What makes coffee energizing is caffeine. It’s the active ingredient of coffee, sodas, and all energy drinks. Too much caffeine can kill you, but the exact amount depends on your age and weight.

Tara Haelle wrote in a Forbes story of an expert, Dr. Sweeney, who said: “I’ve never known of a case where somebody died from three caffeinated drinks.”

In moderation, coffee can lower the risk of heart disease. But if you drink many cups, your heartbeat can go to 180 — or to a higher number — for a second. “Such irregular beats may damage your heart,” says Thomas A. Sweeney, M.D., associate chair of the department of medicine at Christiana Care Health System in Wilmington, Delaware.

You can consume 400 mg of caffeine without any problem. But different sizes and various brands of…



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