How Much Dividend Does Owning 20 VTI Stocks Pay You?

Dividend payments from VTI ETF

Marcus Tan


Image by the author using Canva

VTI is one of the well-known ETFs available in the market offered by Vanguard

The reason that I like this ETF is simple:

  1. It is a blend of mega, mid, small and micro capitalizations.
  2. Similar to VOO. (VTI passively tracks the CRSP US Total Market Index, while VOO tracks the S&P 500 Index).
  3. Cost less than VOO to own. As of Feb 2024, VTI is around $250 while VOO is around $460.
  4. Covers a broad sector range. Well diversified.
Image by Vanguard

5. Low expense ratio of 0.03% whereas similar funds would have expense ratios of 0.79%.

Summary of VTI analysis

If you own just 20 stocks of VTI here is how much dividends you would earn in FY2023

