How much do game developers make

An in-depth analysis of game developer salaries and opportunities

4 min readMar 27, 2023


Photo by Karl Pawlowicz on Unsplash

Game development is a highly competitive and constantly evolving field, with new technologies and platforms emerging yearly. Despite this, game developers remain in high demand as video games continue to grow in popularity. So, how much do game developers make?

The experience of the developer, the kind of game they are working on, and the size of the development studio all have a role in answering this question. According to the 2021 Game Developers Conference (GDC) State of the Industry report, the average yearly game developer salary ranges from $50,000 to $150,000. However, the highest-paid ones might make far more.

Entry-level game developers often start out earning $50,000 to $70,000 annually. Larger companies and more well-known game franchises typically pay higher salaries. With more expertise, game developers may see a pay increase, as senior developers and game designers earn between $100,000 and $150,000 annually.

These are only rough estimates. And depending on their particular circumstances, some game developers may make far more. For instance, freelance game creators that work on a project-by-project basis might make less money on each project. But, they have the freedom to work on several projects simultaneously and might make more money altogether.

Photo by Lukas on Pexels

Companies may offer game developers bonuses and other incentives, such as stock options or profit-sharing, in addition to their base pay. These bonuses can increase a developer’s revenue by tens of thousands of dollars and can be especially beneficial for those working on popular games that bring in substantial profits.

It is also worth noting that game development is a global industry, and salaries vary widely depending on location. For example, game developers in the United States earn an average salary of $92,000. While those in Canada earn an average salary of $71,000, and in the United Kingdom, game developers make an average salary of £33,000 ($45,000).

Overall, a game developer’s income is influenced by several factors, such as their level of expertise, the success of the company they work for, and the kinds of games they create. While salaries can vary, game developers can anticipate earning competitive incomes and having strong job security in the coming years, thanks to the expanding demand for video games.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in game development, it is crucial to note that there are several roles within the industry. These include game designers, programmers, artists, animators, sound engineers, etc. Each position has its own set of responsibilities and requires different skills and expertise.

Photo by Procreator UX Design Studio on Unsplash

To increase your chances of success as a game developer and earning as much money as possible, it is crucial to invest time in researching and mastering many aspects of the industry. For instance, understanding game engines like Unity or Unreal Engine, programming languages like C++, and having a good portfolio of work can all help secure higher-paying jobs.

In addition, networking and building relationships with other professionals in the industry can also be beneficial. Attending industry events like the Game Developers Conference, joining online communities like the International Game Developers Association, and participating in game jams and hackathons are great ways to meet others in the industry and gain valuable experience.

In conclusion, game development is a dynamic and exciting industry that offers many opportunities for those passionate about video games. While salaries can vary depending on location and experience, game developers can anticipate earning competitive incomes and having strong job security in the coming years. With dedication, hard work, and a will to continually learn and improve, you can succeed as a game developer and earn a lucrative income in this exciting field.

If you’re looking to learn more about how you can earn money with game development, be sure to check out my article on How to make money as an indie game developer.

Also check out my other game development articles: How to make your game more fun, Getting started with game development and What is a game jam and how you can nail it.

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